Evolution terminators
In essence lineup terminators (in this case, I only cover humanoid) can be divided into 4 age:
The first - the model created by people before the start of the war with Skynet, which then were placed under its control.
The second - the era of the former and not quite successful development of Skynet. At this point the war, people began to press Skynet developed the first prototypes of infiltrators with artificial intelligence.
The third - the creation of successful models to the real infiltrators AI War and the transition to a new level with the departure from direct mass confrontations. Now Skynet began to push people.
The fourth - the post-turning point in the war, when people have again moved into a decisive offensive support reprogrammed Terminators.
First Age:
Known modifications - ???
Production - until 2004
Height - 245 cm.
Weight - ??? kg.
Speed - ??? km / h.
Primary weapons - a specially created high Gatling gun system, after modifying it is possible to install easy plasma weapons.
The main prototype for a whole series of humanoid terminators. Practically not used as it was designed by people before the war and represented for Skynet in the future template for creating your own designs. Quite Useful car for the second epoch of termination, but initially too few instances was proved to be too expensive and complicated to manufacture. It should also be noted some similarities with the T-800, with the remains of which, strictly speaking, this model was partly copied by people.
Second Age:
Known modifications - 202
Production - up to 2017
Growth - ??? cm.
Weight - ??? kg.
Speed - ??? km / h.
Primary weapons - automatic M16A5, Shotgun Mossberg, automatic Beretta.
First Skaynetovskaya development. It is unfortunate model, even the armor was not, as such, had to cling on to their vests. But very cheap, so it is a huge amount of rivet purely a distraction from further development. Soon people started specially to ambush two hundredth to obtain their equipment. As soon people have reached even military depots and seized novoizobretёnnoe Skynet Skynet plasma weapons, so in order to increase the chances of T-200 survival, they have also armed with plasma weapons, aside for new models of Terminators. While people with ease and joy of the crowd mowed dvuhsotok clever Skynet develop more sophisticated models. Subsequently, some of the models in this series until the end of the war doing things unrelated to the war, for example, used as repairmen or after some improvements were collectors on the conveyor.
Known modifications - ???
Production - 2018
Height - 213 cm.
Weight - 250 kg.
Speed - ??? km / h.
Primary weapons - still mounted in the shoulders of light plasma cannon.
The cheapest model. In fact - a simplified model of T-70, to serve the masses, which davilos human resistance in a direct confrontation. All that is able to do - to go and shoot. Glimpses of artificial intelligence is not, what program put - this will perform. Some specimens are preserved to the end of the war as guards in the concentration camps. In general, this model is stupid weapon turret on the legs.
Known modifications - ???
Production - 2020
Height - 198 cm.
Weight - ??? kg.
Speed - ??? km / h.
Primary weapons - various models of firearms prewar sample, various models of phase plasma weapons.
The first major development and the first attempt to create an Infiltrator, which, after a rather silly models and four hundred two hundredth series has put people in a serious position. AI otsustvoval as a species, but there was a serious and very branched out program, which initially could pass for a reasonable action, although action has been pre-programmed to a particular situation. As a result, soon people bought the piece and began to lure into traps than five hundred and as deftly beat them as they beat the representatives of the previous series. First terminator, which is used gipersplav.
The T-600
Known modifications - ???
Production - 2022
Height - 200 cm.
Weight - 400 kg.
Speed - 30 km / h, 60 km / h (without camouflage).
Primary weapons - machine F2000, modified the Gatling gun system M-134, the plasma rifle Westinghouse M25A1, a grenade launcher.
The latest model from the era of hard-programmed robots, and the first model designed for autonomous action without constant orders from outside. The first glimmers of intelligence in his eyes. I Had Tuyev Khuchua bollards free thinking, without them, I think it is not inferior to more modern terminators. But as was clearly devoid of self-consciousness, it still continued to operate under the instruction and not on the situation. Compared to the previous series it was on the orders of the best around, the transition from T-200, T-400 and T-500 to shestisotke - fucking a breakthrough in the creation of Terminators. Many people drank blood. But as is the case with the previous model, yet was purchased by the people and no longer pose a greater threat to them. True to the redemption took much longer than the five hundredth model. The T-600 in camouflage with Infiltrator program was conducted entirely in the words of the people that they believe that he is a man and want to spend it on the base, and then quietly followed the man in the pre-prepared a trap for him. When war with him the main thing was to know the characteristics and weaknesses. Which ultimately resulted in the reprogramming, partial unlocking their minds, and poaching on his side. Six storming dangerous group, but as the first Infiltrator does not represent a special threat, because there had not only of suitable AI, but sane camouflage okromya rubber skin, which even from a distance it was hard to be confused with a real human.
Third Age:
Known modifications - 799
Production - 2024
Height - 205 cm.
Weight - ??? kg.
Speed - 32 km / h.
Primary weapons - plasma rifle Westinghouse ME-25, plasma rifle Westinghouse ME-27, a pulse plasma rifle RBS-80.
The first machine almost indistinguishable from a person in all respects. As the first successful Infiltrator through quality imitation skin, reds fluid and muscle mass. In fact, is simply a transition from modelku stupid artificial intelligence robot to Infiltrator. They were made with the emphasis was on humanity, laying the knowledge base of human language, psychology, behavior, etc. and etc., making them a wonderful actor. That they are not out of control, Skynet again naphal them a bunch of locks, which only prevented this model to develop. It seems to me that without those here that's blocking it would be one of the most successful models of infiltrators. As the main offensive force, they were not too weak in all parameters compared to six and following the T-800.
The T-800
Known versions - 803, 804, 806, 808, 810, 831, 835, 850, 882, 888
Production - 2026
Height - 188 cm.
Weight - 320 kg.
Speed - 35 km / h, 80 km / h (without camouflage).
Primary weapons - plasma rifle Westinghouse ME-25, plasma rifle Westinghouse ME-27, a pulse plasma rifle RBS-80.
More powerful and advanced model semisotki, in fact - its modification towards universal unit. The first Terminator infiltrators got a real live flesh and the most that neither is true AI. Terminators most dangerous to humans. With the advent of the T-800, as well as after the T-500, people again suffered severe anal pain felt right up to the end of the war. Vosmisotki had almost no vulnerabilities, could be equally well employed as a shock army as infiltrators in the presence of camouflage in the form of extension of the flesh and guarding concentration camps and how important objects Skynet. Coupled with the modifications of the T-850, it was the most successful and best model terminator. Why do people still won? I think for one reason only - as in the case of the T-600 they managed to find a way to reprogram the T-800. What does the older models they are reprogrammed and known modifications such as the 850 th Skynet itself originally riveted curve in this regard, removing the very same block. As a result, most of these features or ended their existence suicide or voluntarily over to the people. Looks like their all-natural artificial intelligence at your leisure asked philosophical questions about life, the universe and everything else, and received only one correct answer - nadot for people to go to hell with the Skynet! And as can be seen on the T-800 ended the era destroyers of people and started turning the tide of war, for all new models Skynet has created a bias is in the destruction of Terminator deserters, not people.
Fourth Age:
Known modifications - 950
Production - 2028
Height - 190 cm.
Weight - ??? kg.
Speed - ??? km / h.
Primary weapons - pulsed plasma rifle RBS-80.
The first and the most successful model of Terminator to destroy other Terminators. It was created as better, it came out as always. As part of the brain was the same eight, but with an incredible number of locks until the impossibility of learning. As a consequence of what these more powerful, faster and more powerful models lost in the same T-850, who had military experience and knew how to learn. T-900 as the first model with full protection mechanisms and endoskeleton - nothing sticks out of nowhere, no acting hydraulic hose and open. This model was created for the most part to destroy the other Terminators, but failed in this respect - too Skynet naparanoil and stumbles too different lotions for greater coolness. One of the downsides was the glow of the plasma reactor, punching through the cracks of the protective frame and clearly indicate vulnerabilities. In general, Skynet was almost tricked the latest terminator with actions at the level of one of the first of its models. I believe that the creation of this model - move back, and on par with T-200 is one of the most unfortunate terminator models created in haste without a thorough and competent analysis of the situation.
The T-1000
Known modifications - 1001, 1002, XA
Production - 2029
Height - 185 cm.
Weight - ??? kg.
Speed - 65 km / h.
Primary weapons - no.
The most expensive terminator, causing the least common. The only model that is not created Skynet conveyor and produced sporadic instances when needed. Among the people considered completely invulnerable. Skynet thought enough to have a couple of thousand of these machines and the war would be won at any stage of his, but the war was coming to an end and Skynet was a very limited resource. The very model of the T-1000 had its pluses, but it was not less than the minuses. Of the benefits - an absolute and unlimited external camouflage combat potential due to lack of sensitive compounds. Of the minuses - reopened after the failure devyatisotki complete self-awareness, exposure to serious temperature changes, plus the weak protection against new types of plasma weapons. I personally believe that the terminator third in a row after the T-800 and T-700 most successful model. Plus this is the first model with a built-in weapons. More precisely, not integrated, and with the ability to transform himself into a weapon. The truth is only a cold, but also sho bread. At the front is practically unused, the main objectives were secret and sabotage operations. In short, James Bond among terminators. By the way, part of the AI it was a unique terminator, which because of its nanotech structure of the nonlinear intelligence. Thousanders was almost impossible to count anyone or trap, so he represented a serious danger for people and machines, and for the most Skynet. By the way, this is also one of the reasons why Skynet would not let it into mass production.
Known modifications - ???
Production - after 2031
Height - 180 cm.
Weight - 150 kg.
Speed - 85 km / h.
Primary weapons - built (more than 25 samples).
Hybrid T-900 and T-1000 which took into account the errors of both series, but it was just too late. It was created in the last years of the war, was the perfect weapon against the cars and one of the best infiltrators because of the extremely successful design - both externally and internally. Even though there is no heat radiation and the presence of endoskeleton, which seemed to hint that this model can be destroyed without resorting only to the ultra-high temperatures and acid, as in the case of the T-1000. The first and last terminator with built-in weapons, rather with an entire mountain built weapons. And I'm not talking about the possibility to use all other known people and machines guns - this feature has appeared at more terminators to five hundredth of the series, and performance fit - with six. As an opportunity to operate other machines through the introduction of its nanobots. Plus, the very structure of the endoskeleton makes this model extremely fast and agile, allowing it to operate beyond the capacity of any person or terminator. In general, from Skynet it was perfect terminator, which has in fact not a robot, and has been fully formed mind, almost a new civilization, which has somehow not manage the program, and who has thought in completely autonomously and independently, with it as a at least not inferior to their tricks, and even emotions to people. Just TX models had advantages in advanced camouflage, as originally been manufactured in the form of a woman, from a purely psychological point of view of people gave her the advantage. Having received the TX manufacture, Skynet polnstyu abandoned production of other models. But it was the end of the war and Skynet has not received the required number of terminators for breaking the course of events and the victory, and was still destroyed. He began to rivet them for a couple of years earlier, and who knows - maybe it would be the second after the release of the T-800 turning point, but towards Skynet followed his quick victory.
The first - the model created by people before the start of the war with Skynet, which then were placed under its control.
The second - the era of the former and not quite successful development of Skynet. At this point the war, people began to press Skynet developed the first prototypes of infiltrators with artificial intelligence.
The third - the creation of successful models to the real infiltrators AI War and the transition to a new level with the departure from direct mass confrontations. Now Skynet began to push people.
The fourth - the post-turning point in the war, when people have again moved into a decisive offensive support reprogrammed Terminators.

First Age:
Known modifications - ???
Production - until 2004
Height - 245 cm.
Weight - ??? kg.
Speed - ??? km / h.
Primary weapons - a specially created high Gatling gun system, after modifying it is possible to install easy plasma weapons.
The main prototype for a whole series of humanoid terminators. Practically not used as it was designed by people before the war and represented for Skynet in the future template for creating your own designs. Quite Useful car for the second epoch of termination, but initially too few instances was proved to be too expensive and complicated to manufacture. It should also be noted some similarities with the T-800, with the remains of which, strictly speaking, this model was partly copied by people.
Second Age:
Known modifications - 202
Production - up to 2017
Growth - ??? cm.
Weight - ??? kg.
Speed - ??? km / h.
Primary weapons - automatic M16A5, Shotgun Mossberg, automatic Beretta.
First Skaynetovskaya development. It is unfortunate model, even the armor was not, as such, had to cling on to their vests. But very cheap, so it is a huge amount of rivet purely a distraction from further development. Soon people started specially to ambush two hundredth to obtain their equipment. As soon people have reached even military depots and seized novoizobretёnnoe Skynet Skynet plasma weapons, so in order to increase the chances of T-200 survival, they have also armed with plasma weapons, aside for new models of Terminators. While people with ease and joy of the crowd mowed dvuhsotok clever Skynet develop more sophisticated models. Subsequently, some of the models in this series until the end of the war doing things unrelated to the war, for example, used as repairmen or after some improvements were collectors on the conveyor.
Known modifications - ???
Production - 2018
Height - 213 cm.
Weight - 250 kg.
Speed - ??? km / h.
Primary weapons - still mounted in the shoulders of light plasma cannon.
The cheapest model. In fact - a simplified model of T-70, to serve the masses, which davilos human resistance in a direct confrontation. All that is able to do - to go and shoot. Glimpses of artificial intelligence is not, what program put - this will perform. Some specimens are preserved to the end of the war as guards in the concentration camps. In general, this model is stupid weapon turret on the legs.
Known modifications - ???
Production - 2020
Height - 198 cm.
Weight - ??? kg.
Speed - ??? km / h.
Primary weapons - various models of firearms prewar sample, various models of phase plasma weapons.
The first major development and the first attempt to create an Infiltrator, which, after a rather silly models and four hundred two hundredth series has put people in a serious position. AI otsustvoval as a species, but there was a serious and very branched out program, which initially could pass for a reasonable action, although action has been pre-programmed to a particular situation. As a result, soon people bought the piece and began to lure into traps than five hundred and as deftly beat them as they beat the representatives of the previous series. First terminator, which is used gipersplav.
The T-600
Known modifications - ???
Production - 2022
Height - 200 cm.
Weight - 400 kg.
Speed - 30 km / h, 60 km / h (without camouflage).
Primary weapons - machine F2000, modified the Gatling gun system M-134, the plasma rifle Westinghouse M25A1, a grenade launcher.
The latest model from the era of hard-programmed robots, and the first model designed for autonomous action without constant orders from outside. The first glimmers of intelligence in his eyes. I Had Tuyev Khuchua bollards free thinking, without them, I think it is not inferior to more modern terminators. But as was clearly devoid of self-consciousness, it still continued to operate under the instruction and not on the situation. Compared to the previous series it was on the orders of the best around, the transition from T-200, T-400 and T-500 to shestisotke - fucking a breakthrough in the creation of Terminators. Many people drank blood. But as is the case with the previous model, yet was purchased by the people and no longer pose a greater threat to them. True to the redemption took much longer than the five hundredth model. The T-600 in camouflage with Infiltrator program was conducted entirely in the words of the people that they believe that he is a man and want to spend it on the base, and then quietly followed the man in the pre-prepared a trap for him. When war with him the main thing was to know the characteristics and weaknesses. Which ultimately resulted in the reprogramming, partial unlocking their minds, and poaching on his side. Six storming dangerous group, but as the first Infiltrator does not represent a special threat, because there had not only of suitable AI, but sane camouflage okromya rubber skin, which even from a distance it was hard to be confused with a real human.
Third Age:
Known modifications - 799
Production - 2024
Height - 205 cm.
Weight - ??? kg.
Speed - 32 km / h.
Primary weapons - plasma rifle Westinghouse ME-25, plasma rifle Westinghouse ME-27, a pulse plasma rifle RBS-80.
The first machine almost indistinguishable from a person in all respects. As the first successful Infiltrator through quality imitation skin, reds fluid and muscle mass. In fact, is simply a transition from modelku stupid artificial intelligence robot to Infiltrator. They were made with the emphasis was on humanity, laying the knowledge base of human language, psychology, behavior, etc. and etc., making them a wonderful actor. That they are not out of control, Skynet again naphal them a bunch of locks, which only prevented this model to develop. It seems to me that without those here that's blocking it would be one of the most successful models of infiltrators. As the main offensive force, they were not too weak in all parameters compared to six and following the T-800.
The T-800
Known versions - 803, 804, 806, 808, 810, 831, 835, 850, 882, 888
Production - 2026
Height - 188 cm.
Weight - 320 kg.
Speed - 35 km / h, 80 km / h (without camouflage).
Primary weapons - plasma rifle Westinghouse ME-25, plasma rifle Westinghouse ME-27, a pulse plasma rifle RBS-80.
More powerful and advanced model semisotki, in fact - its modification towards universal unit. The first Terminator infiltrators got a real live flesh and the most that neither is true AI. Terminators most dangerous to humans. With the advent of the T-800, as well as after the T-500, people again suffered severe anal pain felt right up to the end of the war. Vosmisotki had almost no vulnerabilities, could be equally well employed as a shock army as infiltrators in the presence of camouflage in the form of extension of the flesh and guarding concentration camps and how important objects Skynet. Coupled with the modifications of the T-850, it was the most successful and best model terminator. Why do people still won? I think for one reason only - as in the case of the T-600 they managed to find a way to reprogram the T-800. What does the older models they are reprogrammed and known modifications such as the 850 th Skynet itself originally riveted curve in this regard, removing the very same block. As a result, most of these features or ended their existence suicide or voluntarily over to the people. Looks like their all-natural artificial intelligence at your leisure asked philosophical questions about life, the universe and everything else, and received only one correct answer - nadot for people to go to hell with the Skynet! And as can be seen on the T-800 ended the era destroyers of people and started turning the tide of war, for all new models Skynet has created a bias is in the destruction of Terminator deserters, not people.
Fourth Age:
Known modifications - 950
Production - 2028
Height - 190 cm.
Weight - ??? kg.
Speed - ??? km / h.
Primary weapons - pulsed plasma rifle RBS-80.
The first and the most successful model of Terminator to destroy other Terminators. It was created as better, it came out as always. As part of the brain was the same eight, but with an incredible number of locks until the impossibility of learning. As a consequence of what these more powerful, faster and more powerful models lost in the same T-850, who had military experience and knew how to learn. T-900 as the first model with full protection mechanisms and endoskeleton - nothing sticks out of nowhere, no acting hydraulic hose and open. This model was created for the most part to destroy the other Terminators, but failed in this respect - too Skynet naparanoil and stumbles too different lotions for greater coolness. One of the downsides was the glow of the plasma reactor, punching through the cracks of the protective frame and clearly indicate vulnerabilities. In general, Skynet was almost tricked the latest terminator with actions at the level of one of the first of its models. I believe that the creation of this model - move back, and on par with T-200 is one of the most unfortunate terminator models created in haste without a thorough and competent analysis of the situation.
The T-1000
Known modifications - 1001, 1002, XA
Production - 2029
Height - 185 cm.
Weight - ??? kg.
Speed - 65 km / h.
Primary weapons - no.
The most expensive terminator, causing the least common. The only model that is not created Skynet conveyor and produced sporadic instances when needed. Among the people considered completely invulnerable. Skynet thought enough to have a couple of thousand of these machines and the war would be won at any stage of his, but the war was coming to an end and Skynet was a very limited resource. The very model of the T-1000 had its pluses, but it was not less than the minuses. Of the benefits - an absolute and unlimited external camouflage combat potential due to lack of sensitive compounds. Of the minuses - reopened after the failure devyatisotki complete self-awareness, exposure to serious temperature changes, plus the weak protection against new types of plasma weapons. I personally believe that the terminator third in a row after the T-800 and T-700 most successful model. Plus this is the first model with a built-in weapons. More precisely, not integrated, and with the ability to transform himself into a weapon. The truth is only a cold, but also sho bread. At the front is practically unused, the main objectives were secret and sabotage operations. In short, James Bond among terminators. By the way, part of the AI it was a unique terminator, which because of its nanotech structure of the nonlinear intelligence. Thousanders was almost impossible to count anyone or trap, so he represented a serious danger for people and machines, and for the most Skynet. By the way, this is also one of the reasons why Skynet would not let it into mass production.
Known modifications - ???
Production - after 2031
Height - 180 cm.
Weight - 150 kg.
Speed - 85 km / h.
Primary weapons - built (more than 25 samples).
Hybrid T-900 and T-1000 which took into account the errors of both series, but it was just too late. It was created in the last years of the war, was the perfect weapon against the cars and one of the best infiltrators because of the extremely successful design - both externally and internally. Even though there is no heat radiation and the presence of endoskeleton, which seemed to hint that this model can be destroyed without resorting only to the ultra-high temperatures and acid, as in the case of the T-1000. The first and last terminator with built-in weapons, rather with an entire mountain built weapons. And I'm not talking about the possibility to use all other known people and machines guns - this feature has appeared at more terminators to five hundredth of the series, and performance fit - with six. As an opportunity to operate other machines through the introduction of its nanobots. Plus, the very structure of the endoskeleton makes this model extremely fast and agile, allowing it to operate beyond the capacity of any person or terminator. In general, from Skynet it was perfect terminator, which has in fact not a robot, and has been fully formed mind, almost a new civilization, which has somehow not manage the program, and who has thought in completely autonomously and independently, with it as a at least not inferior to their tricks, and even emotions to people. Just TX models had advantages in advanced camouflage, as originally been manufactured in the form of a woman, from a purely psychological point of view of people gave her the advantage. Having received the TX manufacture, Skynet polnstyu abandoned production of other models. But it was the end of the war and Skynet has not received the required number of terminators for breaking the course of events and the victory, and was still destroyed. He began to rivet them for a couple of years earlier, and who knows - maybe it would be the second after the release of the T-800 turning point, but towards Skynet followed his quick victory.