Art on dirty cars
Sometimes dirty car - a reason to pick up a brush and brush rather than a wet rag and a bucket of water. That road dust - a unique material for paintings, noticed long ago: the dirty glass groomed machines are often covered with inscriptions like "Tanks are not afraid of dirt».
Write a finger on a dirty car "Wash me!" Everyone can. But to draw a "gryazegraffiti" can only artist:
Talent from Ekaterinburg racpisal its board Gazelle
Master of Nizhny Novgorod
American Scott Wade went a little farther - all their spare time, he spends a list of dirty cars, decorating their portraits, landscapes, still life, cartoons, or simply funny pictures.
The site Scott Wade has a whole collection of "dirty paintings» Dirty Car Art Gallery.
See also: Drawings in the sand
Drawn pictures
Sinemagrafiya - "live" pictures
Russian illustrators drew Putin
via www.adme.ru/hudozhniki-i-art-proekty/rossijskie-illyustratory-narisovali-putina-300905/
Write a finger on a dirty car "Wash me!" Everyone can. But to draw a "gryazegraffiti" can only artist:

Talent from Ekaterinburg racpisal its board Gazelle

Master of Nizhny Novgorod
American Scott Wade went a little farther - all their spare time, he spends a list of dirty cars, decorating their portraits, landscapes, still life, cartoons, or simply funny pictures.
The site Scott Wade has a whole collection of "dirty paintings» Dirty Car Art Gallery.

See also: Drawings in the sand
Drawn pictures
Sinemagrafiya - "live" pictures
Russian illustrators drew Putin
via www.adme.ru/hudozhniki-i-art-proekty/rossijskie-illyustratory-narisovali-putina-300905/
"Aeroflot" has arranged a competition for the design of the aircraft
The modern model of education does not work