The main thing about self-driving cars to CES 2016

CES 2016 not only introduced the public with the most interesting novelties of the market, but also allowed us to learn what TechnoTrend will set the tone in the coming years.
Ford has made a serious obyazatelstvo Ford nothing special to show. But the manufacturer has announced its decision to expand its research fleet to 30 vehicles and has an eye on the latest developments of the company Velodyne is an inexpensive laser sensor PUCK from the 3D LiDAR.
Also Ford is working on a project on the use of one machine by several persons under the name of "GoDrive" (similar projects have Daimler – "Car2Go" and BMW – "DriveNow"). This will strengthen his position regarding the idea to not sell the car, and travel. Do not forget about the obvious success of Uber and its eponymous app, and Uber is a competitor not a taxi, and automobile companies.
In addition, Ford is developing an exciting programme of car sharing. Details are not yet clear, but it is assumed that the owners of Ford cars will be able to swap the car with another driver. For example, if someone has a F-150 or a Transit Van and he's pretty sure that on the weekends he won't need the cargo capabilities of your car, he can give it to you on time, and in this period to use your sedan.
Nothing was said about discussing many of the Alliance between Ford and Google. The automaker did not reject this option, but said that currently the company has enough partners. Such cooperation would be very beneficial, so maybe on other upcoming events (e.g. Detroit auto show) we will hear confirmation of these rumors.
Faraday Future, where is the promise?
Biggest disappointment of CES 2016 is the concept race car, introduced by Faraday Future. Of course, this is a pretty cool electric car racing, but it has nothing to do with the fact that many have heard about the upcoming presentation. This is not a self-driving electric car consumer with a set of individual functions. Perhaps the company booked a place in the exhibition, but did not have time to complete the creation of the much anticipated car?
Race navigation kartalopoulos Google drives using superdimensional map, which shows all the roads, and this is the right approach. It is unlikely that the Corporation will provide a map to other developers of self-driving cars, so companies Here/Navteq (owned by a consortium of automobile companies of Germany) and TomTom are planning to release your map for example Google, however, the approach to its creation will be totally different.
Interesting is the fact that these companies intend to cooperate with major manufacturers of cars, not just providing them with map data, but also receiving feedback. This means that the developers of the map will get a steady stream of information about the roads that will be used to improve and Refine details and fix discrepancies.
MobilEye announced a similar plan of action and already started to collect data from a variety of cars.
Tesla also reads information from the cars on the roads, but, as far as we know, does not develop detailed maps.
Google is # 1 company in the field of cartography, and thanks to the hundreds of thousands of cars whose drivers use smartphones based on Android, it has access to a vast array of data about the movement speed and routes of vehicles, however, may assign the company's partners Here and TomTom in the number of cars that are used as a source of information. Even if past data are not so accurate.
Apple also has a Department which deals with development cards, and the company also intend to enter this market.
The consortium "Navigation Data Standard" is trying to develop a standard format maps to self-driving cars could switch between them and use content from different vendors. Competition is good, especially for consumers.
Nvidia can become a good platformonline Nvidia, known for its development of graphics processors for most PCs, increases its capabilities. The Nvidia GPU has become the basis of modern supercomputers, and the company began to promote its new product Drive PX2, which has several processors, including GPS, to create a supercomputer for six months. Such devices will allow the Autonomous car to quickly perform the necessary operations and calculations, control the process of localization, perception, monitoring sensors and sensors, motion planning, etc.
The company believes that the supercomputer will more effectively perform required tasks as compared to specialized devices for processing video data, developed by MobilEye, and be able to work only through the camera, without the need for LIDAR technology. However, the company isn't the opponent of this technology, in contrast to the same Elon musk and MobilEye, and claims that its technology will still be compatible with LIDAR. One of genotechnology Nvidia system is pedestrian detection, which combines the 8 plane Quanergy LIDAR and camera systems of the company.
Nvidia is not the only one who is working in this direction, however, the most successful. NXP, Qualcomm, Intel, QNX and other companies also have something to say. Other developers of processors, such as TI and CEVA, is aimed at the market of ADAS, MobilEye and success in this field will attract many other companies.
New members — VF and VF IAVGerman Tier One presented two solutions: the electronic motor control system and instrumentation ADAS, as well as turnkey systems for those manufacturers who do not want to develop them yourself.
Most pointless presentation was a joint project of the IAV, Microsoft and some other companies. The self-driving car needs to drive on the road until the traffic lights, near which is a pedestrian. At the pedestrian has the bracelet Microsoft, which sends GPS data to the server, and the server transmits them to the traffic light. That, in turn, sends a signal to the vehicle about the presence of pedestrian and light switches.
Machine, after receiving the message, slowing down and stops passing pedestrian. Well, at first glance, but the idea is very crude, since even the developers themselves say that the car reacts and reduces speed every time when approaching a transition. In addition, today not so many people agree to transmit their location even if the GPS data were sufficiently accurate for this purpose.
Toyota is betting on Hipolito unusual concept cars Toyota, CES attracted the interest of the company, its new laboratory for the study of artificial intelligence, with a budget of $1 billion under the guidance of Gill Pratt (Gill Pratt). Such a huge budget lab will be working with artificial intelligence, in particular its application in the development of self-driving cars.
New LIDAR from the company QuanergyКомпания Quanergy announced his new development in a series of LIDAR. Overview of the new device is 120° and can be successfully used in self-driving cars, its price remains quite reasonable. So claiming that the products of the company Quanergy, in particular the range of the LIDAR, will be very expensive, was wrong.
For the release of LIDAR in automotive industry Quanergy resorted to the company Delphi.
Delphi V2 system segagaga about Delphi, it should be noted that the company demonstrated the technology capabilities of interaction between the vehicle and the environment vehicle-to-everything (V2E) used in self-driving cars. The latest development of devices and software enable the machine to "communicate" with streets, traffic signs, traffic lights, other cars and even pedestrians.
It showcased innovations include:
- Technology "car–car": car Delphi can recognize the other vehicle and instantly determine when the car decides to change lanes.
- Technology "car–pedestrian": using a special chip in mobile device for pedestrian, the car lets you know the person that he is not paying due attention to the movement.
- Technology "the car–traffic light": by using the DSRC system, the vehicle is able to detect light at traffic lights and react accordingly in fire yellow and red.
- "Blind angle": car Delphi recognizes if on its route there is a sharp turns of the streets that prevent the driver to recognize an oncoming traffic flow.
- "Poezdka on request": another novelty is the technology, informing friends and family of the owner of the car about its location. Thus, people have the opportunity to ask the driver to drive them.
Velodyne, the company that develops, though expensive, but powerful 64-laser LIDAR, which is used in many self-driving cars on their stage of development (Google also it was used until he developed his own), has introduced a new 32-laser device the size of a large washer. In particular, it will be used in the new research Ford. The cost of a new LIDAR is not yet known, but it must be below $10,000 – the current value of the version 16-laser Velodyne LIDAR.
Valeo on the basis of IBEO is also developing a 4-laser LIDAR system for $250.
Although the company has little to do with self-driving cars, it introduced its system, which is able to replace the side mirrors, equip them with cameras and monitors. According to the law, driving without side mirrors is prohibited. Even the car of the 3rd generation Google they are. However, they are often damaged during accidents, so the producers want to try to replace their cameras, the advantage of which is the lack of blind spots.
Nissan promises Autonomous modelscompare 10 Nissan wasn't present at CES, but its CEO has held a press-conference at the research center in Sunnyvale. He promised that the automaker will introduce 10 models self-driving cars.
In 2018 it is expected the presentation of the functions of the autopilot (such as the development of Tesla), and by 2020 – to expand the autonomy of the vehicle.
Nissan is a leader in the Japanese market, but the Toyota design in the field of artificial intelligence can undermine her position. Honda, Mazda and Subaru are not yet able to provide impressive developments in this area.
At Nissan said they do not plan to join movements whose purpose is to share the car, such as Uber, Lyft and robotaxi, and want to focus on vehicles for individual use.
The "challenge" of the car TeslaНедавно during the call Elon Musk (Elon Musk) also announced that within 2 years we will have cars that can be "call", while on the other side of the country. For example, you are in new York and cause your Tesla from Los Angeles who arrives, using a system of self-government. The concept is quite interesting, but its implementation over two years is overly optimistic forecast.
And yet — the presentation of the new software and a new autopilot:
Quiet performance AudiРазработки Audi in the field of self-driving cars – impressive. However, at CES 2016, the company just repeated that they will continue to work on improving the concept, not the details. Audi has not yet had time to recover from the scandal with the volume of exhaust gases. If I am to trust her after what happened?
BMW presented its conceptbase time, BMW is the leader among major automotive companies. Unlike the previous exhibition, which was available as a demo version of the BMW i3, this year the company is limited to the vehicle of common and possible prospective ideas that are presented so many other machines. Visitors of the exhibition interested in learning what is actually involved in the company, not about what will never be implemented. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: geektimes.ru/company/robohunter/blog/269622/
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