Seven problems self-driving cars

Even if you put aside all discussed potential problems with robots, artificial intelligence and, as a consequence, self-driving cars reduce the number of jobs in this field, unresolved issues with someone to blame in case of an accident, and the shortcomings of these cars is not everything. Autonomous cars as we know them at the moment require much more research and testing before it becomes safe enough to attract the mass market.
Google, Tesla and other traditional automakers, who are developing their own prototypes, regularly talking about how quickly everything develops. Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google, recently predicted optimistic that his company will introduce a commercial version self-driving car by 2017. Mercedes-Benz's own version was postponed until 2020. Elon Musk (Tesla) has set a target for 2023.
The appearance of these vehicles will have a significant impact on the market of car insurance, since robotic mechanisms will almost certainly reduce the number of accidents on the roads. But then who will be responsible for any problems caused by self-driving cars? Most likely, manufacturers: they have to take responsibility for the complex mechanisms at the basis of a bold new machines if they want to avoid litigation.
But this is all speculation. Though very interesting. In front of you some not the most pleasant predictions about what will happen when the world is flooded with robotic cars.
1. They can be used for terrorism and helping criminals

Some researchers, including IHS Automotive, have warned that the technology of self-driving cars may be hacked by hackers for personal purposes. The Guardian described the FBI's fears about what the terrorists may be trying to hijack cars and use them as weapons.
In that report, which was based on unclassified but restricted documents, the Guardian wrote that the FBI is concerned that terrorists could fill the car with explosives and send it toward the goal. "Autonomy will make mobility more efficient, but also opens great possibilities for applications with dual assignment, for example, using the car as a potential lethal weapon".
Apart from terrorism, criminals will have more freedom shooting at police pursuers on the turn if they don't need to be distracted by driving.
On the other hand, the positive, the FBI believes that such transport will seriously reduce the number of accidents. "The risk that distraction or poor management will lead to a clash arising from manual management mode, will be significantly reduced," reads the report.
In addition, the FBI suggests that the prosecution of the suspects will also improve with the advent of self-driving police cars. "Monitoring will be more effective and easier, the chances that a patrol car will lose sight of the target transport will decrease".
2. They can reduce the police budget

Police departments across the country, particularly small ones, often depend on the income they receive in the course of fining motorists. Annually officially collected fines worth millions of dollars, not to mention the shady side of this issue.
However, if self-driving cars will not make mistakes on the roads — and the developers hope that ultimately it will be able to detect stop signs, speed limits and other traffic warnings, then fines for red light and speeding will simply disappear as a species. It is unclear how this will affect law enforcement, but the number of penalties over time will decrease until it disappears entirely.
3. Glitches can turn them into cars-zombie

There is always a chance that a failure in a complex system of sensors will lead to accidents, death and other problems. Faulty robotic car could lose control on the freeway or, worse, crash into other vehicles or pedestrians.
James Anderson, senior scientist and a behaviorist at the Rand Corporation, said in a recent study that manufacturers will have to design systems that recognize when a sensor does not transmit information properly, or nothing at all transmits. In addition to a thorough elimination of the bugs that are already uneasy, must be additional measures that can prevent a catastrophe on the spot.
4. People will live in cars

The Rand report also suggests that if we remove from the equation of motion, fatigue from long driving, people will travel farther, while receiving all the home comforts in the cars of the new type. "Autonomous cars can change the user preferences in favor of choosing a large vehicle which can provide additional opportunities. In theory these will include beds, showers, kitchens or offices."
5. Die automotive romance

People love their cars, admire them, care. But if robotic cars will come out on the conveyor under the same design, dictated by the strict principles of efficiency and will look the same, where you will get all the romance?
Automotive analysts have long noticed that many motorists find one or more models, you get used to them and their passion only gets stronger with time. Whether they are loyal to vehicles without drivers, who will be more anonymous than offline? Jason Siemens, collector of old Ford Mustang laughs at that.
"I love Mustangs for their character and history, and because they are very fun to ride, he says. — What you describe under an Autonomous car, sounds boring. Maybe they are safe, but absolutely uninteresting to me."
6. They can kill a classic genre of road trips

Legendary genre of road travel can lose its special appeal. Friends who follow each other over the wheel will be just passive passengers in a universe without drivers. "On the road" Jack Kerouac's impossible to imagine how the "rear seats".
7. People will no longer own the car

Some experts believe that Autonomous cars will represent a new model of transportation that will take away people's incentive to own their own vehicle. Under this scenario, the car will be used for the whole day based on the need of the closest person "on duty".
The benefits of such futuristic models include reducing traffic, carbon emissions and the increase in the automotive pool. If people can digest a new definition of car ownership and the freedom that it provides social benefits will be obvious.
Source: hi-news.ru