15 brilliant quotes Dr. Komarovsky

Eugene O. Komorowski - one of the most famous and influential pediatricians in the territory of the former Soviet Union, PhD, broadcaster and author of 15 books on childcare. It sets out very accessible necessary and useful information about the health of children and their upbringing. That's why Eugene O. enjoys the respect of many parents.
< Website I have collected the top 15 statements of Dr. Komarovsky, whose advice has helped hundreds of thousands of people.
- 100% of the adult population know how to make babies, but 99, 9% do not know if this, then what to do with the kids.
- Provide mental well-being of mothers caring for a child - the main the task of the father. That dad is obliged to dot the i's in a relationship with relatives and neighbors.
- A happy child - is, first of all, the child is healthy and only then able to read and play the violin.
- Happy child - a child that has both mom and dad, finding the time not only to the child to love, but to love one another.
- No amount or quality of pediatricians problems children's health can not be solved. And you can not, most likely, because the said health is much more dependent on mom and dad than all pediatricians together.
- The child no one and nothing should be.
- Personally, when I turn to my parents sickly children are often advised to get a dog. For the dog - a real reason to get adults 2 times a day with a child for a walk.
- If your child whole year hurt, do not walk, and suffered from a trip to the country (a village 30 km from the city, forest, river) may be much more useful than a holiday on the Mediterranean coast, even in a five star hotel.
- It should be like a normal kid - skinny and active.
- I am sure that the majority of children born to Light healthy, but they are deprived of health ... parents and health professionals.
- was born baby (human baby) - the same biological object as a wolf, pig or a bear. Therefore, the most important task at the stage of the beginning of life - not to lose the biological, then in order to have the opportunity to develop social.
- The essence of the ideology and disposable diapers are as follows: the child does not need a diaper! Pampers need the child's mother!
- The main thing - it is a happy and healthy family. The family should live not by the interests of the child and the family. I can not imagine that my child has received a chocolate bar, but it is not divided it into three parts.
- The most important thing: you're not the center of the universe. We, the family - that is the center of the universe. Good people always and all are doing well. Share the good: humor, food, things. Do not whine.
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