15 citations Komarovsky pediatrician about how to raise healthy children

PhD Komarovsky Eugene O. gained popularity among many parents. Still, after all he was one of the first to adequate and available to explain mothers and fathers how to maintain and strengthen children's health. Its recommendations are not like the usual doctors' advice, but always simple and understandable to parents.
< Website thanks Dr. Komarovsky and publish the best statement about children's health.
- The main welfare of the family - mother health. Dad must fight off all the kite and give my mother to eat, sleep, walk.
- The school is best to go in 10 years and finish at 11. Too bad that there is not a child give the move.
- This cure is difficult, but to find the disease at the present level of medicine -. elementary
- prettification baby green paint is a personal matter of his parents, is determined by their love of painting and has no relation to the treatment
- . Children should be thin and with pain in the ass
- a happy child -. it is primarily a child healthy and only then read and play the violin
- Never, under any circumstances, it is not necessary. encourage your child to eat. This is tantamount to fill a full tank of gas and put the car in the garage
- A good kindergarten -. The one in which he asked to bring the raincoat and boots, to walk in the street, when it drizzles rain On Mondays, children get sick more often. Because on Sundays go to grandmothers, as a measure of the love we have, unfortunately, is considered the food
- Increased immunity -. It is a smile, holiday, travel, good cheer, love, walking, at least binge eating, physical activity.
- Do not waste your time and nerves on a constant seeking out "irregularities" in their own child
- The main law:. the amount of food equivalent to the amount of energy expended
- The child no one and nothing should not have.
- Cottage is always better than any sea. If the child is 2 months running a hungry, dirty, barefoot - it restores his health for the entire year
- Let us fear the right not hospitals and doctors, and their own laziness and ignorance <.! br>
According to the materials: LiveLib
Photos on the preview: © Yuri Davydov
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