When to attend children's parties with the child

Chickenpox can get sick at any age, although it is considered a purely childhood disease. In addition, adults tolerate it much more difficult. Therefore, there are 2 options to develop chickenpox immunity Get sick or get vaccinated. Also, recently in America, some parents bring their children to the so-called “pox pox-pathy”, where at least one child with chickenpox is present.

It is believed that as a result of contact with the focus of infection in the body of a healthy child, antibodies to this virus will be developed and, in general, the body's defenses will be strengthened. Dr. Komarovsky explained in what situation a child can attend a “chicken party” to get sick and develop immunity, and when vaccination is definitely vital. Details will tell the editorial staff "Site".

According to Dr. Komarovsky, there are 2 options to develop immunity: introduce into the body a weakened infection in the form of a vaccine and fully chickenpox after contact with the infection. The first option is civilized and practiced all over the world. But if parents do not have the opportunity to make a vaccine to the child or they are worried about the quality of the drug, then the second option is quite acceptable.


It has a number of advantages. After all, parents themselves choose a convenient time for the child to get sick with chickenpox and develop lifelong immunity. Bringing a child to the so-called “window party”, you allow him to contact a sick child and get sick himself, thereby making it clear that there is nothing wrong with such an illness, because you can communicate with other children.


Of course it's convenient. Parents know that now they have time to sit with an infected baby and save time and money in the future, for example, if plans for a trip are disrupted because of chickenpox. But not all children can carry out such activities, in some cases it is better to get vaccinated.


It is worth noting that the most favorable time for the course of the disease is from 2 to 7 years. It's dangerous to experiment later. It is also better to get vaccinated if the child has immunodeficiency. Dr. Komarovsky says, “You shouldn’t bring your child to a chickenpox party if you’re likely to have a severe form of the disease.” For example, an older child or parents at one time had a hard time with chickenpox.”


You can also see Dr. Komarovsky’s full comment on chickenpox vaccination and chickenpox parties in this video.


It is best to consult a doctor about how your child should develop antibodies to chickenpox. And it is also worth remembering that some people are not prone to infectious diseases and can contact patients all their lives and not get infected. Therefore, contact with an infected child does not guarantee 100% that he will get sick.

We also told earlier that in no case should you do if a child is sick with chickenpox.

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