That these were the standards of female beauty to the Revolution
These portraits of beautiful women in traditional costumes were presented to the public in 1900 at the Paris Exhibition.
Website has selected 20 photographs from the collection stored in the Russian Museum of Ethnography. So beauty! Just Swan Princess!
Arkhangelsk province.
The main fabric used for peasant clothing - wool simple plain weave and homespun canvas. Richer population since the mid XIX century the factory could afford silk, satin, brocade ornamented with lush flower garlands and bouquets, a beet, cotton, satin, colored cashmere.
Dress - a key element of women's traditional costume. It was worn and how festive and as casual wear. The girl of marriageable age must have had a dozen sundresses different colors.
Arkhangelsk province.
Dress emphasized social status housewife: wealthy class sewed rich tunics of velvet, silk and other precious fabrics, imported from Turkey, Persia, Italy. Decorated such sundresses lace, embroidery and lace. By sundress could learn about the social status of women - married or not.
Kokoshnik - an ancient headdress - decorated with beads, beads, braid, pearls, and with the rich class - and precious stones. Kokoshnik was a kind of talisman and great family value, which is hereditary.
Novgorod Province.
Tula Province.
Arkhangelsk province.
Arkhangelsk province.
Vologda Province.
Pskov Province.
Nizhny Novgorod province.
Yaroslavl Province.
Nizhny Novgorod province.
Arkhangelsk province.
Olonets province.
Tver province.
Nizhny Novgorod province.
Nizhny Novgorod province.
Ryazan Province.
Novgorod Province.
Tver province.
Tver province.
Tver province.
See also It looked like the Shah of Iran incomparable woman
How do makeup from antiquity to the present day
Ideals of beauty
via www.kulturologia.ru/blogs/220415/24221/
Website has selected 20 photographs from the collection stored in the Russian Museum of Ethnography. So beauty! Just Swan Princess!

Arkhangelsk province.
The main fabric used for peasant clothing - wool simple plain weave and homespun canvas. Richer population since the mid XIX century the factory could afford silk, satin, brocade ornamented with lush flower garlands and bouquets, a beet, cotton, satin, colored cashmere.
Dress - a key element of women's traditional costume. It was worn and how festive and as casual wear. The girl of marriageable age must have had a dozen sundresses different colors.

Arkhangelsk province.
Dress emphasized social status housewife: wealthy class sewed rich tunics of velvet, silk and other precious fabrics, imported from Turkey, Persia, Italy. Decorated such sundresses lace, embroidery and lace. By sundress could learn about the social status of women - married or not.
Kokoshnik - an ancient headdress - decorated with beads, beads, braid, pearls, and with the rich class - and precious stones. Kokoshnik was a kind of talisman and great family value, which is hereditary.

Novgorod Province.

Tula Province.

Arkhangelsk province.

Arkhangelsk province.

Vologda Province.

Pskov Province.

Nizhny Novgorod province.

Yaroslavl Province.

Nizhny Novgorod province.

Arkhangelsk province.

Olonets province.

Tver province.

Nizhny Novgorod province.

Nizhny Novgorod province.

Ryazan Province.

Novgorod Province.

Tver province.

Tver province.

Tver province.
See also It looked like the Shah of Iran incomparable woman
How do makeup from antiquity to the present day
Ideals of beauty
via www.kulturologia.ru/blogs/220415/24221/