As for 1 month to change lives for the better

Blogger Svetlana Pokrevskaya boldly promises to all those who fulfill the below plan: a month you do not recognize myself
"I recently received a letter from a reader:" Hello, Svetlana! I want to change your life for your technique! »
Wow. I thought, and if I have a technique? It turned out there! Immediately I wanted her to structure and to paint the points. And, you know, it turned out that everything is ridiculously simple. It received four units: for each week. Total - month. Just a month self-study, to change their lives for the better!
So, for each week of the plan - three tasks that must be implemented in their lives. And stay with them throughout the month.

Ideally - and longer, but here it is for you to decide.
Week 1: Clean body and mind h3> Early rise , around 6 am. Immediately you have time for yourself, which is never enough for the day. Consequence - peace and quiet, you can, without being distracted about their business, is home asleep. This is an ideal time for morning practice, to adjust the body to get through the day at 100%. Laziness, unwillingness to get up early - this is not an indicator of fatigue. For me it is an indication that you do not want to live my life. Why get up out of bed - there again gloomy morning, the subway, traffic jams, work ... Now, if the first thought was, "Hurry morning - another day!". Agree, it is unlikely with such a feeling of early rise will be a problem. So, it turns out, it works both ways. Life plays all the colors and sparkles - it will be easy to jump up in the morning. Or ... would be easy to jump up in the morning - and the lives of sparkle! Lite catering Sport. This is my favorite and most required. I do not tire of repeating: the tone and health of the physical body - a prerequisite for spiritual health. A motion, as is known, the life. So, to awaken life (spirit) in the mouth of the body, you have to stir! Either way you best. My options: yoga, running and dancing. Try to move more every day, in any form to dance in front of the mirror, going to work; abandon the elevator and take the stairs; arrange a full street workout in the gym, it does not matter.
Week 2 Cleaning space Cleaning Affairs and liabilities Cleaning the environment
3 week record and plans List of Improbabilities plan daily
Week 4: to expand the boundaries h3> Try to live differently Out of the comfort zone Rest
Author: Svetlana Pokrevskaya
Photos on the preview Jean Francois Zhonvil
See also:
Zeroing and general cleaning of his life
21 habit of happy people
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-psihologiya/22-privychki-schastlivyh-lyudej-812310/
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