23 tricks in the kitchen, which does not even know your mother
The accumulated wisdom of years of housewives is simply amazing. Knowing a few secrets, you can not only learn how to expertly prepare, and store food, saving them from too rapid spoilage.
Website publikuetsovety that is so will help you in the kitchen that her stay would be a great pleasure.
Shake minute egg, and then cook it. Get real golden egg!
Hot sharp knife perfectly cope with the preparation of sandwiches morozhenogo.
Cut the required piece of cheese, along with packaging. It can be used to close the remaining syr.
Do not dispose of yellowing foliage. It is better to mix it with olive oil and pour into molds for ice.
Excellent supplement to the pasta and salads!
If the hand did not have a rolling pin, use a bottle of vina.
If you want to return Cold pizza primeval aroma and flavor, heat it in a skillet rather than in mikrovolnovke.
Excellent meal in a hurry - the cheese bread. Add the herbs and put the loaf in the microwave or duhovku.
In order to quickly cut the cherry tomatoes, put them between two flat plates and a sharp swipe nozhom.
Remains of Nutella in the pot pour the hot milk. Saturation of hot chocolate!
Yummy what!
Mayonnaise can replace the missing sour cream, if mix it with egg yolk cooked hard-boiled egg and spoon gorchitsy.
To celery and broccoli stored longer, be sure to wrap them in folgu.
Potatoes will not sprout if stored it with yablokami.
Apples contain ethylene, which prevents germs.
To adjust the size of the future of the pie, use aluminum folgu.
Homemade whipped cream, which you can decorate any confectionery:
Take 1 cup heavy cream from the fridge, add a spoonful of sugar and a pinch of salt. Thoroughly mix. Done!
Here's how you can make beautiful baskets
fruit or dessert:
To take a very ripe avocado, remove the piece steblya.
That he did not blackened, sprinkle it with vinegar or apple store, along with a slice of luka.
Thick male breakfast: add molds for baking slices of bacon and eggs, and then prozharte.
Fresh berries are not moldy, if moisten them in a weak acetic rastvore.
Ice wine into molds for ice to be used in the further culinary experiments.
Pineapples should be stored "tufted" down,
then they will become ripe and sladkimi.
Before cooking pierce the shell of the egg pushpin, so you can easily his ochistit.
To separate the stalk,
just a good slap on the Kocani stol.
via # image17115310
Website publikuetsovety that is so will help you in the kitchen that her stay would be a great pleasure.
Shake minute egg, and then cook it. Get real golden egg!

Hot sharp knife perfectly cope with the preparation of sandwiches morozhenogo.

Cut the required piece of cheese, along with packaging. It can be used to close the remaining syr.

Do not dispose of yellowing foliage. It is better to mix it with olive oil and pour into molds for ice.

Excellent supplement to the pasta and salads!
If the hand did not have a rolling pin, use a bottle of vina.

If you want to return Cold pizza primeval aroma and flavor, heat it in a skillet rather than in mikrovolnovke.

Excellent meal in a hurry - the cheese bread. Add the herbs and put the loaf in the microwave or duhovku.

In order to quickly cut the cherry tomatoes, put them between two flat plates and a sharp swipe nozhom.

Remains of Nutella in the pot pour the hot milk. Saturation of hot chocolate!

Yummy what!
Mayonnaise can replace the missing sour cream, if mix it with egg yolk cooked hard-boiled egg and spoon gorchitsy.

To celery and broccoli stored longer, be sure to wrap them in folgu.

Potatoes will not sprout if stored it with yablokami.

Apples contain ethylene, which prevents germs.
To adjust the size of the future of the pie, use aluminum folgu.

Homemade whipped cream, which you can decorate any confectionery:

Take 1 cup heavy cream from the fridge, add a spoonful of sugar and a pinch of salt. Thoroughly mix. Done!
Here's how you can make beautiful baskets
fruit or dessert:

To take a very ripe avocado, remove the piece steblya.

That he did not blackened, sprinkle it with vinegar or apple store, along with a slice of luka.

Thick male breakfast: add molds for baking slices of bacon and eggs, and then prozharte.

Fresh berries are not moldy, if moisten them in a weak acetic rastvore.

Ice wine into molds for ice to be used in the further culinary experiments.
Pineapples should be stored "tufted" down,
then they will become ripe and sladkimi.

Before cooking pierce the shell of the egg pushpin, so you can easily his ochistit.

To separate the stalk,
just a good slap on the Kocani stol.

via # image17115310