15 bright children gems

spontaneity, open-mindedness and a vivid imagination help our offspring to find creative solutions in all situations and never lose heart.
Children's Day Website has collected a stunning statement that parents have shared on the network in the past year. Just enjoy.
My daughter wants to wash her white blouse.
I tell her:
- Check that the tank has a light, too, and put into the machine.
- And if the thing is black and white, it can be put?
- More black or white?
Pause for 5 minutes, then screams from the bathroom:
- This white stripe vest 91 and 88 black, so good with light!
Comes Son (5 years) from the street all muddy from head to toe. My husband opened the door and said, amazed by what he saw:
- Boy, you're someone?
Son, a little thought:
- Your were.
A friend told me a speech therapist working in a children's center.
Girl calling the boy:
- Yoma Yoma, come here!
Boy hurt:
- I do not Yoma, I Uuuoma!
Russian family in England. They have a little daughter is learning to speak (we decided to start with the mother - Russian). And running around sandboxes blond Masha his master John blades and announce Kensington yell "Yeah-ah!».
British mother in shock.
Dad asked Mom to go for a beer, to which my daughter (3 years) said:
- Dad, is harmful to drink beer. Drink better brandy.
Today, McDonald's is an interesting scene.
Family with a bunch of children, 5 boys and 1 girl. One of the boys 7 years in a tearful voice broadcasts:
- Well, that's what me special? Kohl's - the eldest, Senja - the youngest, Anna - the only girl, Sasha and Igor - the twins and I have?
Here dad, not looking up from the nuggets, provides:
- And you had planned.
Daughter (8 years) philosophizes:
- When too many people do not believe in magic, it disappears.
Daughter (4 years) saw a peacock in the zoo, it was beautiful, tail fluffed. A close female peacock - the usual gray chicken, only bigger. The daughter asks:
- Who is that?
- It is the wife of a peacock.
She stared at them, then at one, then the other. And then uttered:
- He loves it though?
Girl (5 years) for the first time washed in a bath. Going out, my mother asked:
- Nastya, you liked it in the bath?
- Yes thank you! I feel younger.
She walked with her son in the park. To this girl flies 2 years and starts to hug and kiss, and small issues with his eyes full of tears and tragic whisper:
- What have I done to her?
I inform granddaughter that I am encouraged by the work-week trip to India. But then he noticed that the esteemed on the Internet, there is dirty, you have to be very careful to wash their hands constantly, do not drink the water. To which she said:
- And you definitely encouraged?
Go with her son from kindergarten, he inflates bubbles of saliva.
- You think it's decent?
- In my opinion, this art!
Andrew took the cat in his arms and pressed his head against Kotovskaya face, walked with him to the mirror and so thoughtfully:
- One person ...
My mother came out of the store and takes out shopping bags.
- Mom, what's this? - Asks the little Alyosha (2 and a half years), pointing to the souvenir candle.
- It is a candle.
And since Alyosha the day before had health problems, the word "candle" was he familiar with the medical side of it. So he blocked his palm ass and sideways, sideways stomped out of the kitchen. My mother realized what was happening, and reassured his son:
- Do not be afraid, Alyosha. This is another candle, lit it.
From the corridor came the frightened:
- Wow! More and light!
Read more children's statements:
Baby pearl
They say children
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-semya/govoryat-deti-793560/