10 useful movies to strengthen relations
Movies about relationships help couples solve the accumulated problems are not less effective than a therapist sessions. It is important to watch movies together and do not forget to discuss what they see.
Website has collected 10 cool movies in which everything is very difficult.
Husbands and Wives zhenyHusbands and, in 1992
Strong life drama about two middle-aged couples. The film characters come into a midlife crisis, many are experiencing frustration. Crumbling marriages, scandals, there is an endless soul-searching. A film director Woody Allen is trying to understand whether there is an equal sign between love and marriage.
ValentinkaBlue Valentine, 2010
Dean and Cindy bathed in the love, but the years passed, the feelings were dim, and then completely disappeared. The film is a stunningly transmitted through tiny domestic detail. As well as recovering the memory of the little things that are not by chance that they had once met and fell in love.
ZakatomBefore Before Sunset, 2004
In fact, before watching this film, it is necessary to look tape "Before the Dawn", which was released for the first 9 years earlier and tells the story of acquaintance of the main characters. Poignant picture that sometimes people have a few hours to take important decisions in their lives.
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 1966
George and Martha - a married couple, so we know each other over the years of marriage, that the only way to support mutual interest are psychological games.
The story of nasThe Story of Us, 1999
Ben and Katie together 15 years. They have two beautiful children, interesting work and the crisis in marriage. From a ton of annoying little things daily gradually going destructive snowball mutual resentment and misunderstanding. The film is remarkable in that both are right character, carefully showing the point of view, and husband and wife. And also, both are wrong.
Two days in Parizhe2 Days in Paris, 2006
The couple travels to Paris for a couple of days to visit relatives and gently shake from the monotony of everyday life. Only his wife, a Frenchwoman living in this town, several former, which happen to meet her husband. Funny movie about how things are going, when the couple - the representatives of very different cultures.
PamyatiThe Diary Notebook, 2004
Two lovers who really do not fit together. Life separates them all the time, the road to happiness is hard, but it is written in the diary. And in his later years he remains the only memory of what happened between them. Beautiful romantic story of eternal love.
5 × 25 × 2, 2004
This is the story of modern couple, shown in 5 episodes of their life together. Action comes from the end to the beginning - from divorce to the first meeting. All the mistakes committed by them in this way, pass before us. Right question - it is half the answer.
Two in putiTwo for the Road, 1967
Wonderful movie with Audrey Hepburn on how the couple go to the sea to correct shaky relationship. Built on the contrast of funny and sad film reflects the contradictions of married life.
LyubovAmour 2012
The history of this genuine love that the couple has carried through his life. Anne and George 80, and when she gets sick, George can not leave his girlfriend in the care of abusive nurses. He leaves teaching at the Conservatory and became a nurse for his beloved.
See also
100 delightful film about love
20 acute films about human psychology
10 smart film, which you most likely have never heard
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/10-shikarnyh-filmov-o-kotoryh-vy-skoree-vsego-nikogda-ne-slyshali-919860/
Website has collected 10 cool movies in which everything is very difficult.
Husbands and Wives zhenyHusbands and, in 1992
Strong life drama about two middle-aged couples. The film characters come into a midlife crisis, many are experiencing frustration. Crumbling marriages, scandals, there is an endless soul-searching. A film director Woody Allen is trying to understand whether there is an equal sign between love and marriage.
ValentinkaBlue Valentine, 2010
Dean and Cindy bathed in the love, but the years passed, the feelings were dim, and then completely disappeared. The film is a stunningly transmitted through tiny domestic detail. As well as recovering the memory of the little things that are not by chance that they had once met and fell in love.
ZakatomBefore Before Sunset, 2004
In fact, before watching this film, it is necessary to look tape "Before the Dawn", which was released for the first 9 years earlier and tells the story of acquaintance of the main characters. Poignant picture that sometimes people have a few hours to take important decisions in their lives.
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 1966
George and Martha - a married couple, so we know each other over the years of marriage, that the only way to support mutual interest are psychological games.
The story of nasThe Story of Us, 1999
Ben and Katie together 15 years. They have two beautiful children, interesting work and the crisis in marriage. From a ton of annoying little things daily gradually going destructive snowball mutual resentment and misunderstanding. The film is remarkable in that both are right character, carefully showing the point of view, and husband and wife. And also, both are wrong.
Two days in Parizhe2 Days in Paris, 2006
The couple travels to Paris for a couple of days to visit relatives and gently shake from the monotony of everyday life. Only his wife, a Frenchwoman living in this town, several former, which happen to meet her husband. Funny movie about how things are going, when the couple - the representatives of very different cultures.
PamyatiThe Diary Notebook, 2004
Two lovers who really do not fit together. Life separates them all the time, the road to happiness is hard, but it is written in the diary. And in his later years he remains the only memory of what happened between them. Beautiful romantic story of eternal love.
5 × 25 × 2, 2004
This is the story of modern couple, shown in 5 episodes of their life together. Action comes from the end to the beginning - from divorce to the first meeting. All the mistakes committed by them in this way, pass before us. Right question - it is half the answer.
Two in putiTwo for the Road, 1967
Wonderful movie with Audrey Hepburn on how the couple go to the sea to correct shaky relationship. Built on the contrast of funny and sad film reflects the contradictions of married life.
LyubovAmour 2012
The history of this genuine love that the couple has carried through his life. Anne and George 80, and when she gets sick, George can not leave his girlfriend in the care of abusive nurses. He leaves teaching at the Conservatory and became a nurse for his beloved.
See also
100 delightful film about love
20 acute films about human psychology
10 smart film, which you most likely have never heard
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/10-shikarnyh-filmov-o-kotoryh-vy-skoree-vsego-nikogda-ne-slyshali-919860/