"Miss-Welding 2008"
The winner of the contest "Miss Weld-2008" Olga Jester (Sales Manager "Bassant Trading»)
Vice-Miss "Miss Welding 2008" Olga Mazanova ("ARES - Service Kit»)
Vice-Miss "Miss Welding 2008" Tatiana Polyanskaya (JSC "Mashagroprom»)
Julia Prokopovich ("Oliver»)
Regina Yakubovskaya ("Atlas Invest»)
Vice-Miss "Miss Welding 2008" Tatiana Polyanskaya (JSC "Mashagroprom»)
Irina Murashova (representative of the Physico-Technical Institute, Academy of Sciences of Belarus)
Vice-Miss "Miss Welding 2008" Olga Mazanova ("ARES - Service Kit»)
Moment contest
The jury of the contest "Miss Weld 2008»
Show Ballet performs "Paradise»
Demonstration of phyto-design
Show duo «VIVA Dance»

Vice-Miss "Miss Welding 2008" Olga Mazanova ("ARES - Service Kit»)

Vice-Miss "Miss Welding 2008" Tatiana Polyanskaya (JSC "Mashagroprom»)

Julia Prokopovich ("Oliver»)

Regina Yakubovskaya ("Atlas Invest»)

Vice-Miss "Miss Welding 2008" Tatiana Polyanskaya (JSC "Mashagroprom»)
Irina Murashova (representative of the Physico-Technical Institute, Academy of Sciences of Belarus)

Vice-Miss "Miss Welding 2008" Olga Mazanova ("ARES - Service Kit»)

Moment contest

The jury of the contest "Miss Weld 2008»


Show Ballet performs "Paradise»
Demonstration of phyto-design

Show duo «VIVA Dance»
