25 sites with which the parents are not afraid of the curriculum

September 1 next week, so it's time to remember all that has been forgotten over the summer safely.
Especially for students and their parents Website I picked up some useful links that will help refresh your mind the school of wisdom. And at the same time learn about the world a lot of the new.
Universal helpers Internet lesson - video lessons in basic school subjects for grades 1-11 in the public domain. GDZ - finished homework, textbooks, essays, cribs and topics. Nashol.com - huge library, where there are references to books, Reshebnik, dictionaries in all subjects and for all classes. School knowledge - here the students help each other with homework. School Assistant - materials in math, algebra, geometry, and Russian language. You can read an explanation of the material, watch video and solve exercises. The National Electronic Library - archive of digitized books is in the public domain and copyright restrictions.
Russian language and literature Gramota.ru - particularly useful "Guide to Punctuation" and "Dictionary of difficulty». The culture of written language - contains rules and tests and tasks, dictionaries and reference books. Children's Online Library - school program in literature for grades 1-11. Summary of the book - the largest library of summaries in Russian.
English LearnEnglish Kids, LearnEnglish Teens - fun educational portals for children ages 5 to 12 years old and 13-17-year-olds. Puzzle English - channel on YouTube. It contains a set of video tutorials on various topics: analysis of grammar, secrets and tips on language learning, interesting expression of the popular TV series, pronunciation and much more.
Math Nigma - This search engine is able not only to give references, but also to solve the equation (see "Mathematics»). Catch answer - with the help of this program you can solving examples and equations of any complexity. School Mathematics - here and explain the material and solving problems and case studies, and cribs with formulas.
Biology Electronic textbook on biology - materials on botany, zoology, anatomy, biology and ecology. It is very simple and with pictures. Encyclopedia "Flora and Fauna" - contains information on almost all kinds of animals and plants. The theory of evolution as it is - for the convenience of all the materials are classified by level of difficulty, from the 1st to the 3rd.
Geography Gazetteer online - reference data, physical maps and an atlas. A brief geographical encyclopedia - aptly everything they teach geography teacher.
Chemistry Organic chemistry - interactive multimediauchebnik for high school. Chemicals for all - illustrated materials on general, organic and inorganic chemistry. ChemNet - electronic library of educational materials in chemistry.
Physics Fizika.ru - site for physics teachers, students in grades 7-9 and their parents. Nuclear Physics in the Internet - popular science. There is a section "materials for pupils».
Photo for preview: Warner Bros.
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