Parents of the girl managed to cure her eczema. But what are the sacrifices they had to go!
Maya's parents first encounter with eczema when their daughter was still an infant. Doctors disappointing diagnosis and were told that inflammation of the skin that looks like a scaly patches and almost completely covers the body of a child - an incurable genetic. However, we should pay tribute to the stubborn parents, who did not want to give up and fought the disease with admirable tenacity. When she was 7, her mother began to notice a link between outbreaks of eczema and food habits daughter. It was then that her parents decided to try all the most famous diet. Accidentally stumbled on vegan food system, they found it too heavy for a child, but nevertheless decided to try - and it has paid off!
« diet is very hard, but even harder to live with eczema em>», - recognizes the mother of Maya. After the first results became apparent and the disease gradually began to recede, the whole family of five moved to a fully vegetarian diet. About half Maia, her parents and two younger brother ate only vegetables and fruit. During this time, the skin is almost completely cleared the girl and her mother admitted that without vidila baby eczema for the first time in my life!
Since the family had changed their eating habits took about two years. Today Maya is happy and healthy 9-year-old girl. With the adoption of a new diet, it is literally a couple of times endured several small outbreaks. And her younger brother, who was diagnosed "autistic" has become more sociable and less goes to itself. Although to date there is no reliable evidence proving that the diet helps in the fight against autism, has conducted several studies that confirm this relationship. Now all members of the family are full of health, strength, optimism and faith in the future. Of course, parents of Maya recognized that is not always possible to stick to the diet (such as at a wedding or while traveling), but the rest of the time they try to take food in containers with you. In general, all family members are trying to stick to a healthy diet: drink fresh cocktails, daily use vegetable salads, fruits and vegetables. A few months ago, the family moved from his native Poland to Thailand, where year-round there are products they need for a healthy diet.
Of course, adhere to vegetarianism is not easy, however, to live with eczema is much more complicated. Children's health - that's what motivates this family always go to the end! Be sure to tell your friends how to confront the difficulties and not give up even before the genetically incurable diseases. Stay healthy!
via takprosto.cc
« diet is very hard, but even harder to live with eczema em>», - recognizes the mother of Maya. After the first results became apparent and the disease gradually began to recede, the whole family of five moved to a fully vegetarian diet. About half Maia, her parents and two younger brother ate only vegetables and fruit. During this time, the skin is almost completely cleared the girl and her mother admitted that without vidila baby eczema for the first time in my life!

Since the family had changed their eating habits took about two years. Today Maya is happy and healthy 9-year-old girl. With the adoption of a new diet, it is literally a couple of times endured several small outbreaks. And her younger brother, who was diagnosed "autistic" has become more sociable and less goes to itself. Although to date there is no reliable evidence proving that the diet helps in the fight against autism, has conducted several studies that confirm this relationship. Now all members of the family are full of health, strength, optimism and faith in the future. Of course, parents of Maya recognized that is not always possible to stick to the diet (such as at a wedding or while traveling), but the rest of the time they try to take food in containers with you. In general, all family members are trying to stick to a healthy diet: drink fresh cocktails, daily use vegetable salads, fruits and vegetables. A few months ago, the family moved from his native Poland to Thailand, where year-round there are products they need for a healthy diet.

Of course, adhere to vegetarianism is not easy, however, to live with eczema is much more complicated. Children's health - that's what motivates this family always go to the end! Be sure to tell your friends how to confront the difficulties and not give up even before the genetically incurable diseases. Stay healthy!
via takprosto.cc
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