7 deplorable facts about how people themselves are programming yourself on poverty
Often people think of themselves one thing and do every day - completely different. Learn about the habits and incorrect settings may adversely affect your blagosostoyanie.1. The habit of feeling sorry sebya
Habits of poverty starts with a never-ending self-pity and mourning his unfortunate fate. Not that figure does not those revenues, not education, not the apartment, not the weather, not a saleswoman in a supermarket - everything, absolutely everything can be an occasion for self-pity and sorrow at his bad luck.
Meanwhile, people who are accustomed to constantly feeling sorry for myself, quickly lose the sympathy of others. Pity this poor guy is endless, but you need something to do, and myself. Eternal hypochondriac aloof from him did not expect (it can only whine), it did not name the company. As a result, it is critically little personal relationships, without which virtually impossible to make a career, get into a fun project. Feeling sorry for myself - this is the best way to get hold of low-paid work and a gray existence.
2. Habit throughout ekonomit
If the store the first thing you are looking for a department with the sale, if you think that colleagues at work pay more, despite the fact that they work less than you if no one has ever giving in debt, do not leave the waiter a tip and think that your salary can not give birth child - that is likely to habits of poverty you have to sit.
Analysts say the desire for total savings - not a sign of reasonable thrift, and an indication that a person has no balance between revenues and expenditures. A wealthy man just ready to pay for things their real value. And, moreover, willing to pay for someone else's work - and the same is waiting for the other.
3. Habit evaluated in all dengah
Only programmed to poverty people believe that you can only be happy on the condition that get paid with lots of zeros. What can not be enjoy life and be happy, if there is no expensive clothes, own mansion, a prestigious car. Sociologists argue that, answering the question: "What do you need for happiness?" To transfer wealth begin only poor.
People with higher incomes is called true love and friendship. At the same time the actual wealth they do not call bank account. According to them, the rich - those who can raise money, organize new businesses from scratch. The truly successful person does not depend on the volume of their own bag of gold.
4. The habit of panicking when the end dengi
When only at the thought that you can get laid off, you have a pulse quickens, it may be a sign of the internal program of poverty. The rich people's money are not the same value: they are today, gone tomorrow. And so the circle.
5. The habit of spending more than zarabatyvaesh
You grind away at two jobs, but still not enough money? It's time to change something! If a person does not understand what a loan is different, then the rich he just will not.
6. The habit of watching and unloved delom
If not me, then who? Psychologists say that people who are engaged unloved thing, potentially ready to failure and poverty. The reason is the sense of causing they need to do their nasty deeds. To eradicate this habit, you need to do is not what someone needs, and what causes the greatest satisfaction. Only in this region can achieve great results!
7. The habit of staying away from rodstvennikov
All hereditary wealthy family - is the most cherished values in the world. After all, it is possible to find solace and support, when in all other spheres of life crisis occurs.
via ocheninteresno.com/uchenye-vyyasnili-kakie-privychki-programmiruyut-lyudej-na-bednost/

Habits of poverty starts with a never-ending self-pity and mourning his unfortunate fate. Not that figure does not those revenues, not education, not the apartment, not the weather, not a saleswoman in a supermarket - everything, absolutely everything can be an occasion for self-pity and sorrow at his bad luck.
Meanwhile, people who are accustomed to constantly feeling sorry for myself, quickly lose the sympathy of others. Pity this poor guy is endless, but you need something to do, and myself. Eternal hypochondriac aloof from him did not expect (it can only whine), it did not name the company. As a result, it is critically little personal relationships, without which virtually impossible to make a career, get into a fun project. Feeling sorry for myself - this is the best way to get hold of low-paid work and a gray existence.
2. Habit throughout ekonomit

If the store the first thing you are looking for a department with the sale, if you think that colleagues at work pay more, despite the fact that they work less than you if no one has ever giving in debt, do not leave the waiter a tip and think that your salary can not give birth child - that is likely to habits of poverty you have to sit.
Analysts say the desire for total savings - not a sign of reasonable thrift, and an indication that a person has no balance between revenues and expenditures. A wealthy man just ready to pay for things their real value. And, moreover, willing to pay for someone else's work - and the same is waiting for the other.
3. Habit evaluated in all dengah

Only programmed to poverty people believe that you can only be happy on the condition that get paid with lots of zeros. What can not be enjoy life and be happy, if there is no expensive clothes, own mansion, a prestigious car. Sociologists argue that, answering the question: "What do you need for happiness?" To transfer wealth begin only poor.
People with higher incomes is called true love and friendship. At the same time the actual wealth they do not call bank account. According to them, the rich - those who can raise money, organize new businesses from scratch. The truly successful person does not depend on the volume of their own bag of gold.
4. The habit of panicking when the end dengi

When only at the thought that you can get laid off, you have a pulse quickens, it may be a sign of the internal program of poverty. The rich people's money are not the same value: they are today, gone tomorrow. And so the circle.
5. The habit of spending more than zarabatyvaesh

You grind away at two jobs, but still not enough money? It's time to change something! If a person does not understand what a loan is different, then the rich he just will not.
6. The habit of watching and unloved delom

If not me, then who? Psychologists say that people who are engaged unloved thing, potentially ready to failure and poverty. The reason is the sense of causing they need to do their nasty deeds. To eradicate this habit, you need to do is not what someone needs, and what causes the greatest satisfaction. Only in this region can achieve great results!
7. The habit of staying away from rodstvennikov

All hereditary wealthy family - is the most cherished values in the world. After all, it is possible to find solace and support, when in all other spheres of life crisis occurs.
via ocheninteresno.com/uchenye-vyyasnili-kakie-privychki-programmiruyut-lyudej-na-bednost/
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