Scientists claim that eternal love exists

Make optimistic conclusions as scientists were able, we conducted experiments with volunteers who have just fallen in love, and those who argued that through the years their passion for the second half is not extinguished. In the first case, the researchers recorded brain neurochemical activity lovers, showing them the object of adoration.
For comparison, similar images also offered people. It turned out that when looking at the portrait of the favorite, volunteers stepped up the process of developing the pleasure neurotransmitter - dopamine. A similar phenomenon was observed in the second part of the experiment.
17 participants who were married 10-29 years old, and according to them is still felt love for her husband (wife), initially rated their feelings on a 7-point scale. Then they were tested with the same volunteers who are at the beginning of their romance. It turned out that in love "with experience", with a picture of the object of their feelings, intensified the same area of the brain, and that the experimental from the first group - the ventral tegmental area.
As for the differences between the two groups of subjects, then, if the first group of passion accompanied by nervous tension and compulsions, the second group showed the pair bond and affection.
Source: www.scienceblog.ru
via factroom.ru