Cook from Thailand is able to fry food with bare hands, since he is never burns
Kang Chang Three virtuoso chef from Chiang Mai (Thailand). He can cook you a great chicken fried so that you lick your fingers. And while the three Chang may surprise you a unique focus: give up right in the dish with boiling oil. And his skin will not remain single, even light, burn.
50-year-old Thai similarly without consequences can pull the finished food from the pans without any tack and mittens. He will not have a single blister or rash. At the time, Kang hit the Guinness Book of Records for being pulled out of the hot oil to 480 degrees 20 chicken breasts for 1 minute. Kahn first discovered his unique talent seven years ago at the amazing circumstances. Rodent with a mango tree dropped right in standing under a tree, a vessel full of boiling oil, fresh fruit. Molten fat flew in all directions, falling on his face and hands of men. And, to his surprise, he found at any burns.
His tricks Three Chan soon gained worldwide fame and tourists arriving in Chiang Mai, try not to miss the moment to visit the stall Three Chan, where he prepares food for sale. People like him, they do not cease to be surprised of its ability, and buy a chicken to see how Khan pulls her bare hands in boiling oil.
Source: www.berloga.net
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