The women you'll ever need to find the lazy men
Yandex According to the study, women in almost all the quantitative parameters of search behavior lag behind men. They have less number of requests per day (6 versus 6, 1 male), the number of requests for search session (2, 2 vs. 2, 3), 1% higher than the proportion of sessions from a single query (in both sexes such constitute more than half) , 3% less than the share of unique requests.
Women make less mistakes and typos and ask longer questions, but, according to analysts Yandex, this is due to the fact that women in the search box copy long quotations.
Women are too lazy to adapt their requests for an understanding of robots and often talk with the machine in natural language, asking her questions like "what to cook for dinner." They are almost twice as likely than men to use the figures in queries - and when used, it is most often age, date and number of establishments.
Men use numbers when searching for products by part numbers. Latin is present in almost one-third of the men's requests and only 13% of women, and that 40% of women queries Latin - this site addresses entered in the search box instead of the browser's address bar, and the non-diversion of the keyboard layout.
There are a study and unexpected conclusions. For example, favorite color among women is not pink, and brown - such often comes in the women's requests. An analysis of search queries in terms of the search target has shown that men are more interested in shopping, and women want to "download" or "watch online».
Source: www.roem.ru
via factroom.ru
In Latvia, Russia called Krievu in China - Eluoxie, Estonia - Veneman, and Vietnam - Nga
In the US there is a ghost town called Idiotville