Scary story.

Once in the office of a Moscow company, one of the employees (a middle-aged woman, deeply “turned” on esotericism, shamans, sorcerers, and so on) finds a strange object under her desk - a small, rather heavy gray ball of uncertain material, hard and warm to the touch. On this occasion, the entire female part of the team is convened and, without thinking twice, they come to the conclusion that something is unclean here and decide to immediately contact a familiar sorcerer.
The sorcerer came, examined the ball, made a terrible mine and said that the ball is a really powerful magical artifact, that their company was jinxed by competitors and the like, and in order to avoid consequences, the ball must be burned. Right now. Compliance with appropriate magical rituals.

The ball is burned, rejoiced, satisfied disperse.
After a couple of hours, a local system engineer comes to work, sits down at the computer and silently begins to work; after a few seconds, he stops, with a perplexing look, takes the mouse and begins to examine it from all sides ... and then jumps up screaming: “Damn! Who stole the ball from the mouse?! ?