Bird's milk - it's a secret
Bird's milk - is not only a popular variety of sweets. It does exist, and is directly related to birds. Although the "milk" in the truest sense of the word it is not, however, the functions a substance is closest to mother's milk.
Pigeons, flamingos and some birds of the order Procellariiformes procellariiformes and isolated from the wall of the esophagus or goiter secret to feed their chicks. Some of them added to the sekretu- "milk" half-digested food.
The female emperor penguin entrust the care of the male offspring, which it incubates 2 months, covering the abdominal crease. During this time he loses up to 45% by weight, while his girlfriend carefree feeding the sea. By the time the chicks female returns, bringing in the esophagus digested curd feeding chicks - this mass is also called "bird's milk».
via factroom.ru
There is a sense, the opposite of deja vu - jamais vu
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