15 common myths about health
1. If you are going to read in low light or close to watch TV, then spoil yourself zrenie
Despite the fact that much more comfortable to read in good light and watch TV at a distance, contrary actions do not affect the health of your eyes. Your eyes contain muscle. Like any other muscle, they are strained and tired, but poor lighting and the proximity of other facilities will not be permanently affected by it. The only way lighting can affect your vision, it's when your eyes look directly at the sun light and laser light.
2. If you hold a frog or a toad, then you will borodavki
Ladies can safely kiss the frog. Warts do not appear on the content of frogs or toads in their hands. Warts are caused by human papilloma virus and is spread through contact with another person. And, despite the external similarity with pimples on the body of frogs and toads, they do not have anything to do with.
3. Chocolate and fried foods give rise to pryschey
As tempting as it may sound, but avoiding fried foods and chocolate will not relieve us from acne. Currently, medical data do not indicate a link between the food we eat and the appearance of acne or pimples. Although health generally useful to avoid fried foods and excess sweets, it will not improve the condition of your skin. Some cosmetics, perspiration and high humidity can aggravate acne condition. If you are concerned about acne, consult a dermatologist and calmly eat chocolate.
4. Clicking fingers can cause artrit
Fans snapping knuckles can easily do it without worrying about arthritis. At least, there is no medical evidence to support this belief. Arthritis occurs when the immune system begins to attack the joints, and it is impossible to control. But be careful, because clicking fingers can damage the joint.
5. It is dangerous to swim immediately after eating
Perhaps the Council itself does not load right before swimming is good, as to avoid cramps in the stomach, but nothing dangerous will happen if you decide to plunge into the water on a full stomach. Many professional swimmers to eat before you start training. So do not torture yourself, putting a meal an hour before starting to swim.
6. If you go outside in cold weather with wet hair, has picked up prostudu
Colds cause hundreds of different viruses. These germs are spread by direct contact with other infected people through sneezing, shaking hands, and so on. D.Vozdeystvie cold weather does not cause colds, although it may seem true because of the fact that people often pick up colds during the cold season. However, such a tendency occurs because of the fact that people spend more time in the room, creating an ideal environment for the propagation of microbes.
7. The flu shot causes the flu
For the prevention of influenza vaccine does not contain a fully active virus and can not cause disease. On the contrary, influenza vaccine is the best way to avoid getting the flu. Vaccination works by stimulating your body to produce antibodies. If you find yourself in contact with the flu virus, the antibodies will destroy it before you have time to get sick.
8. Sugar makes kids giperaktivnymi
Many people think that after the consumption of sweet, children are like clockwork. But after extensive medical research, it was discovered that it is not. In normal children, there is no relationship between sugar consumption and behavior. Despite this, the restriction of sweets for children is a good practice, because the excess sweets can lead to obesity, tooth decay and loss of appetite for healthy food.
9. Coffee helps protrezvet
Despite the fact that in the movies, coffee does not help to get rid of the effect of intoxication when intoxication. Coffee can make a drunk person more active, but no less drunk. The only thing you can do is wait until the body gets rid of alcohol.
10. You can pick up the infection through sexual toilet sidenie
Infections, sexually transmitted infections, can be picked up only by direct sexual contact, blood transfusions, and from mother to unborn child. The chance to catch any disease from a toilet seat is virtually zero. You can catch this disease like a cold, by direct contact with an infected surface, but as long as you do not explicitly use a dirty toilet, wash your hands and take general precautions, there is no need to avoid public toilets.
11. Your heart stops when you chihaete
Your heart does not stop when you sneeze. In rare cases, the heart may beat irregularly due to the change of pressure in the chest, and changes in blood flow to the heart during a sneeze. But it never stops in this case.
12. It is safe and even beneficial to lick ranu
This may seem strange, but how often have you seen a person injuring a finger, puts it in her mouth? Our mouth is teeming with bacteria and if an open wound comes into contact with the mouth, tongue, or saliva, it increases the risk of infection.
13. It is best to have a cold and starve when grippe
Refusal of food will not help reduce fever. In fact, a complete restriction of food during illness, no matter if cold or flu, interferes with the healing process. But do not force yourself to eat if you do not want. Important to drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration, as the heat provokes the loss of moisture in the body.
14. It is necessary to drink 8 glasses of water a den
Most people consume the amount of water required for the body of the day through food and liquids including water. If you eat right, drink when you feel thirsty, and, in general, feel good, you can not follow the rule of eight glasses a day. If your body does not have enough fluid, you'll learn about this on a number of symptoms of dehydration, such as thirst, dizziness, fatigue and headache. Also, it is possible to drink too much water. Of course, it's hard to drink enough water to hurt themselves, but the possible consequences include brain swelling, nausea, fatigue, confusion, convulsions and to whom.
15. If you shave, the hair will grow fatter and temnee
Shaving - a surface treatment. It was decided under the surface appearance and texture of your hair. Because shaving can cause thickening and darkening your hair. It seems that the harder and darker hair because of greater visibility and thrills bristle, but it is not.
Source: www.infoniac.ru
via factroom.ru

Despite the fact that much more comfortable to read in good light and watch TV at a distance, contrary actions do not affect the health of your eyes. Your eyes contain muscle. Like any other muscle, they are strained and tired, but poor lighting and the proximity of other facilities will not be permanently affected by it. The only way lighting can affect your vision, it's when your eyes look directly at the sun light and laser light.
2. If you hold a frog or a toad, then you will borodavki

Ladies can safely kiss the frog. Warts do not appear on the content of frogs or toads in their hands. Warts are caused by human papilloma virus and is spread through contact with another person. And, despite the external similarity with pimples on the body of frogs and toads, they do not have anything to do with.
3. Chocolate and fried foods give rise to pryschey

As tempting as it may sound, but avoiding fried foods and chocolate will not relieve us from acne. Currently, medical data do not indicate a link between the food we eat and the appearance of acne or pimples. Although health generally useful to avoid fried foods and excess sweets, it will not improve the condition of your skin. Some cosmetics, perspiration and high humidity can aggravate acne condition. If you are concerned about acne, consult a dermatologist and calmly eat chocolate.
4. Clicking fingers can cause artrit

Fans snapping knuckles can easily do it without worrying about arthritis. At least, there is no medical evidence to support this belief. Arthritis occurs when the immune system begins to attack the joints, and it is impossible to control. But be careful, because clicking fingers can damage the joint.
5. It is dangerous to swim immediately after eating
Perhaps the Council itself does not load right before swimming is good, as to avoid cramps in the stomach, but nothing dangerous will happen if you decide to plunge into the water on a full stomach. Many professional swimmers to eat before you start training. So do not torture yourself, putting a meal an hour before starting to swim.
6. If you go outside in cold weather with wet hair, has picked up prostudu

Colds cause hundreds of different viruses. These germs are spread by direct contact with other infected people through sneezing, shaking hands, and so on. D.Vozdeystvie cold weather does not cause colds, although it may seem true because of the fact that people often pick up colds during the cold season. However, such a tendency occurs because of the fact that people spend more time in the room, creating an ideal environment for the propagation of microbes.
7. The flu shot causes the flu
For the prevention of influenza vaccine does not contain a fully active virus and can not cause disease. On the contrary, influenza vaccine is the best way to avoid getting the flu. Vaccination works by stimulating your body to produce antibodies. If you find yourself in contact with the flu virus, the antibodies will destroy it before you have time to get sick.
8. Sugar makes kids giperaktivnymi

Many people think that after the consumption of sweet, children are like clockwork. But after extensive medical research, it was discovered that it is not. In normal children, there is no relationship between sugar consumption and behavior. Despite this, the restriction of sweets for children is a good practice, because the excess sweets can lead to obesity, tooth decay and loss of appetite for healthy food.
9. Coffee helps protrezvet

Despite the fact that in the movies, coffee does not help to get rid of the effect of intoxication when intoxication. Coffee can make a drunk person more active, but no less drunk. The only thing you can do is wait until the body gets rid of alcohol.
10. You can pick up the infection through sexual toilet sidenie

Infections, sexually transmitted infections, can be picked up only by direct sexual contact, blood transfusions, and from mother to unborn child. The chance to catch any disease from a toilet seat is virtually zero. You can catch this disease like a cold, by direct contact with an infected surface, but as long as you do not explicitly use a dirty toilet, wash your hands and take general precautions, there is no need to avoid public toilets.
11. Your heart stops when you chihaete

Your heart does not stop when you sneeze. In rare cases, the heart may beat irregularly due to the change of pressure in the chest, and changes in blood flow to the heart during a sneeze. But it never stops in this case.
12. It is safe and even beneficial to lick ranu

This may seem strange, but how often have you seen a person injuring a finger, puts it in her mouth? Our mouth is teeming with bacteria and if an open wound comes into contact with the mouth, tongue, or saliva, it increases the risk of infection.
13. It is best to have a cold and starve when grippe

Refusal of food will not help reduce fever. In fact, a complete restriction of food during illness, no matter if cold or flu, interferes with the healing process. But do not force yourself to eat if you do not want. Important to drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration, as the heat provokes the loss of moisture in the body.
14. It is necessary to drink 8 glasses of water a den

Most people consume the amount of water required for the body of the day through food and liquids including water. If you eat right, drink when you feel thirsty, and, in general, feel good, you can not follow the rule of eight glasses a day. If your body does not have enough fluid, you'll learn about this on a number of symptoms of dehydration, such as thirst, dizziness, fatigue and headache. Also, it is possible to drink too much water. Of course, it's hard to drink enough water to hurt themselves, but the possible consequences include brain swelling, nausea, fatigue, confusion, convulsions and to whom.
15. If you shave, the hair will grow fatter and temnee

Shaving - a surface treatment. It was decided under the surface appearance and texture of your hair. Because shaving can cause thickening and darkening your hair. It seems that the harder and darker hair because of greater visibility and thrills bristle, but it is not.
Source: www.infoniac.ru
via factroom.ru
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