Optical Tweezers for micro-objects capable of holding 5-7 and move microparticles

Modern biotechnology is increasingly in need of a device capable of moving in space single biomolecules, cells and other microscopic objects. Thus, a group of researchers from the Saratov State Technical University and JSC "NII-Tantalum" proposed and constructed a micromanipulator capable of simultaneously support and move to 7 microparticles.
On the basis of the German phase modulator and powerful infrared laser research group headed by Bel Baiburin just developed its own design of the optical tweezers. As a result, the resulting system is able to capture and move to 5-7 microscopic objects simultaneously. That is its main advantage - foreign industrial controllers operate with each particle separately. Such a device finds wide application in the study of cell biophysics. The presence of an LCD matrix allows independent control of the location of objects without any mechanical interventions and receive complex microstructure.
Source: Journal "Heteromagnetic Microelectronics», № 2, 2011.
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