These exercises are helpful when prolapse of the kidneys, stoop and not only
There is a group of disorders called diseases of stereotypical tension.
Particularly affected are people who spend too much time on the computer. The reason for it is that the fingers long and monotonously move. Of the hand and wrist tired. Ligaments, tendons, and other soft tissues swell. As a result, compressed by the median nerve passing between the bones of the wrist. The result carpal tunnel syndrome.
How can you help yourself?
Useful exercise
1. Stimulation of neck rotation. Runs sitting. Head on one vertical line with the spine. Without moving his body, on the exhale, keep the eyes in any direction, and after them turn your head. While the chin will not appear over the shoulder. After 2 sec. on the inhale return to the starting position.
2. Rastyagivanie back side of the shoulders. Raise ourselves straightened to lock the hand, and lead her to the opposite shoulder. At the end of the movement, increase the amplitude by gently pressing with the other hand on the elbow. after 2-3 sec. to return to the starting position.
3. Rastyagivanie back. Head on one vertical line with the spine. Put your palms behind your head. Interlace your fingers, put your elbows to the sides, as hard as you can turn left, do three times, trying to increase range of motion. Then to the right.
After this, rotate your body to the side, bend it down, aiming the elbow between the knees. After 2 sec. to return to the starting position. To do 10 times in each direction.
Many young women suffer from low blood pressure (90/60mm.RT.calendar). The constant "chill" in the legs, darkening of the eyes, after a hike, dizziness.
Often it happens associated with prolapse of the kidney (or offset from its normal physiological condition). At a young age these violations do not bother much, but over time, when this pathology exists 15-20 years, from the kidney urine moves worse.
Over time, the buds are formed cysts(cavities) that are a constant source of infections that lead to swelling, breaking all the work of the kidneys. Occur pressure jumps from low to high.
In such cases it is useful to engage in prevention.
Stand on the blades (birch), who it's difficult lying on the floor, my hips on the sofa and lie down for a minute or two.
Forty two million five hundred seventy one thousand one hundred forty two
More effective when combined with breathing exercises. On the inhale squeeze the crotch to try to pull the stomach to the diaphragm. Exhale — relax.
To improve the blood flow, sit-UPS, 10-20.
Very often the omission of the kidney is associated with the incorrect position of the adjacent organs, therefore, stabilizing adjacent body automatically leads to stabilization of kidney.
How to test yourself for the presence of diastasis?
Lie on your back, bend your knees, feet resting on the floor. Lift your head and fingertips produmyvayte the middle of abdomen from top to bottom or from bottom to top. You can feel the hollow between the two straight abdominal muscles. This diastasis.
To restore the innervation of the rectus abdominis muscles is quite difficult. And uprajneniyami not do here though, because the violation of innervation may be caused by different reasons.
Violation of innervation of every muscle in the body is associated with a specific organ.In this case there is a connection with the small intestine, which can be structural disorders — adhesions, shortening, tightness of ligaments, muscles, fascia, can be pathology at a biochemical level related to the presence in the body of parasites, endocrine disorders may be disorders neurological in nature.
The sample for the presence and the possible cause of Hyper-kyphosis, You and your child
Stand with your back to the wall, straighten your back without straining, and try to touch the wall with his heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and neck.
1. If you touch the wall with his heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and neck, it is unlikely that you have a Hyper-kyphosis.
2. If you touch the wall with his heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and do not touch the back of his head, Hyper-kyphosis you have.
Now as with an effort, straighten your back.
1. If you touch the wall with his heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and neck. The Hyper-kyphosis due to weakness of muscles and habit to be bent. Workout your main helper in getting rid of the problem.
2. If you touch the wall with his heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and do not touch the back of his head or touch the back of his head, but it comes off the buttocks, Hyper-kyphosis due to the peculiarities of development or pathology of bone and ligaments and you should see a doctor.
1. I. P. – standing legs together, arms at sides.
Raise the arms up to rise on socks. Maximum stretch up rotting chest forward, hold this position for 5-10 seconds. 3-5.
2. I. p. – standing, feet together, hands on hips.
Shoulders back, rotting thoracic spine forward, hold this position for 5-10 seconds. 3-5.
3. I. p. – same.
The inclination of a trunk forward, rotting thoracic spine forward, hold this position for 5-10 seconds. 3-5.
4. I. P. lying on your back, hands in a lock behind his head.
Raise the straight leg up to an angle of 45°, hold this position for 5-10 seconds. 3-5.
5. I. P. – lying on your back, hands palms down, place under buttocks. Raise both straight legs up, then lower, 20-30 times. For debilitated patients it is recommended for several weeks to raise the legs, pulling them into a bent form to the stomach.
6. I. P. – lying on your back, arms along the body.
Leaning on elbows, to bend in the thoracic spine, hold this position for 5-10 seconds. 3-5.
7. I. P. - lying on his stomach, his hands in emphasis on gender.
Straightening the arms as much as possible to bend in the thoracic spine, look up, hold this position for 5-10 seconds. 3-5.
8. I. P. – lying on his stomach, arms along the body. «Little boat»
The maximum SAG in the back, raising the shoulders and straight legs off the floor, hold this position for 5-10 seconds., 3-5 times.
Ninety two million thirty three thousand five hundred fifty five
9. I. p. – standing on all fours. "A cat with a deflection»
Without bending the hands, bend in the thoracic spine forward and down, trying to get chest to the floor, hold this position for 5-10 seconds., 3-5 times.
10. I. p. – standing on all fours. "The cat in motion»
Bending the hands, bend in the thoracic spine forward and down, feeding the torso slightly forward, then straightening the arms back. 3-5.
11. I. P. – lying on your back. Exercise with weights.
I. P. lying on your back, under the shoulder blade put a book thickness of 2-3 cm In the hands of cargo. For women – 0.5 kg, physically fit male – 1.5 kg.
Movement – straight arms, first along the body, from the hips over the head, simultaneously and alternately. Then raising hands simultaneously and alternately. Increase the load and the amplitude gradually.
Exercises should constantly monitor the posture. Gymnastics may not fully correct the kyphosis, they are only able to prevent the rapid progression of the disease and improve the functionality of the spine.published
Disease is like a tree, from one branch grow two, etc., and then to unravel this tangle will be very difficult. So at least once in two or three years, don't be lazy, visit a chiropractor.
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: kinesiolog.tom.ru/?page_id=321
Particularly affected are people who spend too much time on the computer. The reason for it is that the fingers long and monotonously move. Of the hand and wrist tired. Ligaments, tendons, and other soft tissues swell. As a result, compressed by the median nerve passing between the bones of the wrist. The result carpal tunnel syndrome.
How can you help yourself?
- Every hour take a short break.
- Make sure to stretch your hands, improving blood circulation in them.
- Use any excuse to get up and stretch.
- Make, if necessary, alarm.
- In any case, don't click on the keys more than 2 hours.
- Take breaks of 5 minutes, during which rasstegivat tense muscles.
Useful exercise
1. Stimulation of neck rotation. Runs sitting. Head on one vertical line with the spine. Without moving his body, on the exhale, keep the eyes in any direction, and after them turn your head. While the chin will not appear over the shoulder. After 2 sec. on the inhale return to the starting position.
2. Rastyagivanie back side of the shoulders. Raise ourselves straightened to lock the hand, and lead her to the opposite shoulder. At the end of the movement, increase the amplitude by gently pressing with the other hand on the elbow. after 2-3 sec. to return to the starting position.
3. Rastyagivanie back. Head on one vertical line with the spine. Put your palms behind your head. Interlace your fingers, put your elbows to the sides, as hard as you can turn left, do three times, trying to increase range of motion. Then to the right.
After this, rotate your body to the side, bend it down, aiming the elbow between the knees. After 2 sec. to return to the starting position. To do 10 times in each direction.
Many young women suffer from low blood pressure (90/60mm.RT.calendar). The constant "chill" in the legs, darkening of the eyes, after a hike, dizziness.
Often it happens associated with prolapse of the kidney (or offset from its normal physiological condition). At a young age these violations do not bother much, but over time, when this pathology exists 15-20 years, from the kidney urine moves worse.
Over time, the buds are formed cysts(cavities) that are a constant source of infections that lead to swelling, breaking all the work of the kidneys. Occur pressure jumps from low to high.
In such cases it is useful to engage in prevention.
Stand on the blades (birch), who it's difficult lying on the floor, my hips on the sofa and lie down for a minute or two.
Forty two million five hundred seventy one thousand one hundred forty two
More effective when combined with breathing exercises. On the inhale squeeze the crotch to try to pull the stomach to the diaphragm. Exhale — relax.
To improve the blood flow, sit-UPS, 10-20.
Very often the omission of the kidney is associated with the incorrect position of the adjacent organs, therefore, stabilizing adjacent body automatically leads to stabilization of kidney.
How to test yourself for the presence of diastasis?
Lie on your back, bend your knees, feet resting on the floor. Lift your head and fingertips produmyvayte the middle of abdomen from top to bottom or from bottom to top. You can feel the hollow between the two straight abdominal muscles. This diastasis.
To restore the innervation of the rectus abdominis muscles is quite difficult. And uprajneniyami not do here though, because the violation of innervation may be caused by different reasons.
Violation of innervation of every muscle in the body is associated with a specific organ.In this case there is a connection with the small intestine, which can be structural disorders — adhesions, shortening, tightness of ligaments, muscles, fascia, can be pathology at a biochemical level related to the presence in the body of parasites, endocrine disorders may be disorders neurological in nature.
The sample for the presence and the possible cause of Hyper-kyphosis, You and your child
Stand with your back to the wall, straighten your back without straining, and try to touch the wall with his heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and neck.
1. If you touch the wall with his heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and neck, it is unlikely that you have a Hyper-kyphosis.
2. If you touch the wall with his heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and do not touch the back of his head, Hyper-kyphosis you have.
Now as with an effort, straighten your back.
1. If you touch the wall with his heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and neck. The Hyper-kyphosis due to weakness of muscles and habit to be bent. Workout your main helper in getting rid of the problem.
2. If you touch the wall with his heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and do not touch the back of his head or touch the back of his head, but it comes off the buttocks, Hyper-kyphosis due to the peculiarities of development or pathology of bone and ligaments and you should see a doctor.
1. I. P. – standing legs together, arms at sides.
Raise the arms up to rise on socks. Maximum stretch up rotting chest forward, hold this position for 5-10 seconds. 3-5.
2. I. p. – standing, feet together, hands on hips.
Shoulders back, rotting thoracic spine forward, hold this position for 5-10 seconds. 3-5.
3. I. p. – same.
The inclination of a trunk forward, rotting thoracic spine forward, hold this position for 5-10 seconds. 3-5.
4. I. P. lying on your back, hands in a lock behind his head.
Raise the straight leg up to an angle of 45°, hold this position for 5-10 seconds. 3-5.
5. I. P. – lying on your back, hands palms down, place under buttocks. Raise both straight legs up, then lower, 20-30 times. For debilitated patients it is recommended for several weeks to raise the legs, pulling them into a bent form to the stomach.
6. I. P. – lying on your back, arms along the body.
Leaning on elbows, to bend in the thoracic spine, hold this position for 5-10 seconds. 3-5.
7. I. P. - lying on his stomach, his hands in emphasis on gender.
Straightening the arms as much as possible to bend in the thoracic spine, look up, hold this position for 5-10 seconds. 3-5.
8. I. P. – lying on his stomach, arms along the body. «Little boat»
The maximum SAG in the back, raising the shoulders and straight legs off the floor, hold this position for 5-10 seconds., 3-5 times.
Ninety two million thirty three thousand five hundred fifty five
9. I. p. – standing on all fours. "A cat with a deflection»
Without bending the hands, bend in the thoracic spine forward and down, trying to get chest to the floor, hold this position for 5-10 seconds., 3-5 times.
10. I. p. – standing on all fours. "The cat in motion»
Bending the hands, bend in the thoracic spine forward and down, feeding the torso slightly forward, then straightening the arms back. 3-5.
11. I. P. – lying on your back. Exercise with weights.
I. P. lying on your back, under the shoulder blade put a book thickness of 2-3 cm In the hands of cargo. For women – 0.5 kg, physically fit male – 1.5 kg.
Movement – straight arms, first along the body, from the hips over the head, simultaneously and alternately. Then raising hands simultaneously and alternately. Increase the load and the amplitude gradually.
Exercises should constantly monitor the posture. Gymnastics may not fully correct the kyphosis, they are only able to prevent the rapid progression of the disease and improve the functionality of the spine.published
Disease is like a tree, from one branch grow two, etc., and then to unravel this tangle will be very difficult. So at least once in two or three years, don't be lazy, visit a chiropractor.
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: kinesiolog.tom.ru/?page_id=321
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