According to Pepsi Co., the beverage it is able to dissolve the mouse to the gelatinous state

In 2009, Ronald Ball of Illinois, US, found the bank soda Mountain Dew, released by Pepsi Co., a dead mouse. Or did not find, and came up with that I found. It is not yet clear, as Ronald ever since suing Pepsi, but they did not plead guilty.

And now the fun: Pepsi did not plead guilty, because argue that, given the date of production of the drink, which bought Ronald corpse mouse there could not possibly be because the Mountain Dew during that time would dissolve the corpse to the gelatinous state!
Find a bank with lemonade mouse corpse unpleasant in any of his condition: the whole or a dissolved, but it does not bother Pepsi. Here are their arguments:
«If you put the mouse into lemonade with the acidity, then a week later the calcium in her bones dissolve, burst abdomen, and a month later the mouse to dissolve gelatinous subststantsii».
blockquote> Of course, the acidity in our stomach much stronger than any where Mountain Dew, and mice in banks across extremely rare, but still have fans lemonades have another reason to wonder whether a drink with the "destructive power».
via factroom.ru