Masakishi Hananuma transplanted statue own nails, teeth and hair

Pretty strange gift decided to make his beloved Japanese artist-sculptor Masakishi Hananuma. Learning that is terminally ill with tuberculosis, he decided to leave in memory of his statue-a self-portrait, the most like him. And he did it.
Hananuma working with wood. Used from 2000 to 5000 wooden planks, he repeated every line of his body with such precision that, when the artist stood up next to the statue, distinguish it from him was impossible. The only thing missing some parts ...
Selfless Japanese did a tiny hole in a tree-pores and to put their own hair plucked from similar places on his body. Hair on the head, limbs, back and groin, eyebrows, eyelashes, beard were systematically replanted to a copy of the original. Hananuma then did the same with my nails and teeth: removed and transplanted statue. Also he made for his creations glass eyes stunning quality.
After the work was finished and shown at an exhibition in 1885, an ambitious artist lived for 10 years and died in poverty. Amazing statue was badly damaged during an earthquake in California in 1996, the year. She is now in a private collection.
http://player.vimeo.com/video/23617425 video>
via factroom.ru
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