Smiling male - the most effective means of manipulating woman

When a man is smiling woman, she had to be on guard: maybe the opposite sex is trying to subdue her to his will, warn scientists.

In the course of three experiments, psychologists from the University of Granada studied how men smile affects the perception of his persona woman and her response. As a result, it was found that when the man gave directions, smiling, representatives of the beautiful half unquestioningly follow them. This method works even if later the man allowed himself to sexist remarks.

Experts explain this submissiveness of women that they perceive as the human warmth of a smile. Scientists believe that the beautiful half of humanity relies more and more on body language and smile can fool it.

«Even if there is a dissonance between words and body language, women will respond to the last. If they see a smile, it just simplifies the situation, "- said the expert Patti Wood.

blockquote> She advised women who do not want to manipulate them, first of all, pay attention to the nonverbal message. In addition, Wood cautioned against reciprocal smiles and eye contact.



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