The happiest people in Russia live in Dagestan, Kuban and Leningrad region

Recently, the Center for Sociological Research RANHiGS the Presidential Council was held part of the study "Eurobarometer in Russia." The purpose was to identify satisfaction with the citizens and the state of affairs in the country. The results were quite curious.
Despite the fact that the average revenue in Dagestan, the lowest nationwide - five thousand rubles per person - 37% of the population of the republic said that quite happy. At the same time 40% of respondents Dagestanis want to leave Russia, because the unhappy over the last five years the changes.
Just behind Dagestan goes Leningrad region - happy himself admitted 20% of respondents. In third place Krasnodar region - 19% of happy residents. Fourth place is shared by Nizhny Novgorod region and the Khabarovsk Territory - 18%. What to Moscow, here consider themselves happy, only 15% of the population.
The report on the study says that happiness itself recognizes about 70% of Russia's population, and it is above the European average by almost 30%. Thus, the results of the study it can be concluded that "money can not buy happiness" (which is quite strange, since very recently, sociologists have stated otherwise). Analysis of the data indicated that happiness is directly affected by social activity, the number of friends, the presence of children and level of education. The most happy were people aged 30-40 years with a stable average income.
The study involved ten Russian regions and in each were interviewed 600 people.
via factroom.ru
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