May 9 "Russian Khatyn"
Sorry it's late, was in the village, that wanted to share their impressions of a trip to a little known, but tragicheskuyumestnos!
one sohranivshehsya furnaces.
Big Village District Volosovsky district, by a highway Kikerino-Expression - one of the saddest places Leningrad land. This is our Leningrad Khatyn. In October 1943, the Nazi invaders burnt and destroyed along with the residents of the village. After almost thirty years, in October 1971, there have created a memorial "Small Khatyn". In the tragic silence he bowed his head over the inhabitants of the fallen soldiers-liberators. And all around - a grassy foundations yes chimneys survived the burnt huts ...
Text carved on a granite slab, said: "There was life. There was a large village of the district. In October, the forty-third year, the Nazi invaders completely destroyed her brutally shot, tortured, burned alive and sixty-six of its residents ... ". The author of the memorial was the architect Philip Aronovich Hepner and sculptor Maria Timofeevna Litovchenko - the wife of the famous Leningrad sculptor Mikhail Konstantinovich Anikushina. Unfortunately, over time the memory of the tragedy of Khatyn Leningrad somehow become erased. And if the names of such places of memory associated with the war, as the Nevsky Piglet and Ivanovo, Sinyavino and Staro-Panov, on everyone's lips, the name of the village is a big district, there is little to say that the majority of Leningrad. This is unfair, and this situation should be corrected. Administration Volosovsky municipal district and village Kurkovitsy has long been out with a proposal to raise the profile of the memorial at the Grand District, to make him aware of not only the residents of neighboring villages and towns. Now the development of the idea of the memorial, which is proposed to be called "Russian Khatyn", joined major public organizations. The action, which took place here on February 23 of this year, on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland may well be the beginning of a serious movement in this direction. The organizers of the commemorative action were administration Volosovsky municipal district and village Kurkovitsy and Parliamentary Centre of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation "Integrated Homeland Security" Northwest Interregional Parliamentary Center "High Technologies and Intellectual Property", International Charitable Foundation "Defenders Nevsky bridgehead", an international association "Defenders of Leningrad" Fund "White Russia" and the Russian-Belarusian Brotherhood. The action began with a funeral ceremony at the memorial to the Great district. Rector Alexander Nevsky Volosovo served a memorial service for soldiers killed in combat, and civilians who perished at the hands of executioners. Paying homage, held paraded Sertolovsky military garrison. For commemorative plate with the names of the tortured villagers lay wreaths and fresh flowers. One of the protesters, who came from the Novgorod region, spoke about the tragic fate of his native village, almost like two drops of water similar to the fate of the Grand district. He managed to escape from death, fled into the woods from under the very noses of the executioners. Starting in the Great district, commemorative event was continued in the House of Culture in the village Kurkovitsy. It was attended by veterans from St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, the students of seven schools and high schools of the city and the region, the military cadets and guests from Belarus, Moscow, and of the four districts of the Leningrad region, and also, of course, residents of the district and village Volosovsky Kurkovitsy. Honor those who survived, a minute's silence in memory of those who gave their lives ... "The theme of burned villages famous, but almost forgotten, - says one of the leaders of the fund" Defenders Nevsky bridgehead ", the search engine Sergey Panin. - But in 1942-1943 they were many, particularly in the occupied areas of the Leningrad region, which included then the Novgorod and Pskov, which operated the guerrilla movement. Fighting the occupiers guerrillas inevitably led to war against the civilian population. Our idea - to draw attention to this issue, make a decent memorial to remember not only those who fought, and dead civilians. And most importantly - not to rewrite history. " According to the plan of the project, the complex "Russian Khatyn" expand and complement the existing memorial at the Grand District. It will collect all the particles of the earth burned villages and hamlets of the North-West of Russia. One martyrology brought names of all the villages in the Leningrad Region, destroyed during the war and never revived. Only then it will clearly see the scale of the tragedy of civilians. And next, as a symbol of rebirth and hope that such a disaster would never happen again, there will be a Remembrance Park evergreens from the cities and regions of Russia, as well as near and far abroad. "We want to organize the largest single complex here, - says Sergey Panin. - A large District should be the same symbolic place we like Khatyn for Belarus and for the world. After all, these two villages - a terrible, tragic fate. Many district should be as well-known in Russia as Piskarevka - a symbol of the victims of the siege of Leningrad. It must be worthy of the level of Russia and Europe that ran through international route memory. We also hope that the establishment of the memorial will be in line with the "people's diplomacy" aimed at rapprochement between the Russian and Belarusian peoples. A Khatyn and Volosovo become sister cities. " Finally, on my own I would like to add: let the memory of the tragedy in the Great district will be more than a reminder of the fact that by any war suffers most is the peaceful population. Yes, war is war, it is terrible and merciless, but when the soldiers in arms fight with each other, it is still possible to understand and accept, although the murder of people to each other is still impossible to accept, no matter how correct it may camouflaged slogans. But there is no excuse for a soldier or officer who is at war with the civilian population. Such actions are called unequivocally - crime. They never deserve forgiveness and do not expire. And let another reminder of this will be the memorial "Khatyn Russian" ... In all the ovens here are the signs! (((
ALL, thank you for your attention !!!
one sohranivshehsya furnaces.

Big Village District Volosovsky district, by a highway Kikerino-Expression - one of the saddest places Leningrad land. This is our Leningrad Khatyn. In October 1943, the Nazi invaders burnt and destroyed along with the residents of the village. After almost thirty years, in October 1971, there have created a memorial "Small Khatyn". In the tragic silence he bowed his head over the inhabitants of the fallen soldiers-liberators. And all around - a grassy foundations yes chimneys survived the burnt huts ...
Text carved on a granite slab, said: "There was life. There was a large village of the district. In October, the forty-third year, the Nazi invaders completely destroyed her brutally shot, tortured, burned alive and sixty-six of its residents ... ". The author of the memorial was the architect Philip Aronovich Hepner and sculptor Maria Timofeevna Litovchenko - the wife of the famous Leningrad sculptor Mikhail Konstantinovich Anikushina. Unfortunately, over time the memory of the tragedy of Khatyn Leningrad somehow become erased. And if the names of such places of memory associated with the war, as the Nevsky Piglet and Ivanovo, Sinyavino and Staro-Panov, on everyone's lips, the name of the village is a big district, there is little to say that the majority of Leningrad. This is unfair, and this situation should be corrected. Administration Volosovsky municipal district and village Kurkovitsy has long been out with a proposal to raise the profile of the memorial at the Grand District, to make him aware of not only the residents of neighboring villages and towns. Now the development of the idea of the memorial, which is proposed to be called "Russian Khatyn", joined major public organizations. The action, which took place here on February 23 of this year, on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland may well be the beginning of a serious movement in this direction. The organizers of the commemorative action were administration Volosovsky municipal district and village Kurkovitsy and Parliamentary Centre of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation "Integrated Homeland Security" Northwest Interregional Parliamentary Center "High Technologies and Intellectual Property", International Charitable Foundation "Defenders Nevsky bridgehead", an international association "Defenders of Leningrad" Fund "White Russia" and the Russian-Belarusian Brotherhood. The action began with a funeral ceremony at the memorial to the Great district. Rector Alexander Nevsky Volosovo served a memorial service for soldiers killed in combat, and civilians who perished at the hands of executioners. Paying homage, held paraded Sertolovsky military garrison. For commemorative plate with the names of the tortured villagers lay wreaths and fresh flowers. One of the protesters, who came from the Novgorod region, spoke about the tragic fate of his native village, almost like two drops of water similar to the fate of the Grand district. He managed to escape from death, fled into the woods from under the very noses of the executioners. Starting in the Great district, commemorative event was continued in the House of Culture in the village Kurkovitsy. It was attended by veterans from St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, the students of seven schools and high schools of the city and the region, the military cadets and guests from Belarus, Moscow, and of the four districts of the Leningrad region, and also, of course, residents of the district and village Volosovsky Kurkovitsy. Honor those who survived, a minute's silence in memory of those who gave their lives ... "The theme of burned villages famous, but almost forgotten, - says one of the leaders of the fund" Defenders Nevsky bridgehead ", the search engine Sergey Panin. - But in 1942-1943 they were many, particularly in the occupied areas of the Leningrad region, which included then the Novgorod and Pskov, which operated the guerrilla movement. Fighting the occupiers guerrillas inevitably led to war against the civilian population. Our idea - to draw attention to this issue, make a decent memorial to remember not only those who fought, and dead civilians. And most importantly - not to rewrite history. " According to the plan of the project, the complex "Russian Khatyn" expand and complement the existing memorial at the Grand District. It will collect all the particles of the earth burned villages and hamlets of the North-West of Russia. One martyrology brought names of all the villages in the Leningrad Region, destroyed during the war and never revived. Only then it will clearly see the scale of the tragedy of civilians. And next, as a symbol of rebirth and hope that such a disaster would never happen again, there will be a Remembrance Park evergreens from the cities and regions of Russia, as well as near and far abroad. "We want to organize the largest single complex here, - says Sergey Panin. - A large District should be the same symbolic place we like Khatyn for Belarus and for the world. After all, these two villages - a terrible, tragic fate. Many district should be as well-known in Russia as Piskarevka - a symbol of the victims of the siege of Leningrad. It must be worthy of the level of Russia and Europe that ran through international route memory. We also hope that the establishment of the memorial will be in line with the "people's diplomacy" aimed at rapprochement between the Russian and Belarusian peoples. A Khatyn and Volosovo become sister cities. " Finally, on my own I would like to add: let the memory of the tragedy in the Great district will be more than a reminder of the fact that by any war suffers most is the peaceful population. Yes, war is war, it is terrible and merciless, but when the soldiers in arms fight with each other, it is still possible to understand and accept, although the murder of people to each other is still impossible to accept, no matter how correct it may camouflaged slogans. But there is no excuse for a soldier or officer who is at war with the civilian population. Such actions are called unequivocally - crime. They never deserve forgiveness and do not expire. And let another reminder of this will be the memorial "Khatyn Russian" ... In all the ovens here are the signs! (((



ALL, thank you for your attention !!!
