Your body is not able to withdraw from the digestive system Hair
Sometimes people start experiencing severe pain in the stomach and go to the doctor, who discovers the dark mass in the stomach. To ease the pain, it is necessary to do the operation, and as a result the surgeon pulls the stomach hair ball the size of a cat.
Hair is composed of keratin, the same material as the horns and hooves, - it is so solid substance as to damage it, on keratin will act via acid and base at a temperature of 100 ° C - the human body such conditions not reproduce able.
Thus, the human body can not withdraw the hair from the digestive system. Doctors find it difficult to say exactly why the hair is still in the stomach, but they believe that hair is too slippery to get along with food through the intestines, and thin enough to stay in the folds within the stomach. In addition, even the remaining hair in the stomach engage with other hair gets there - as a rule, this happens because of the obsessive habit human pozhёvyvat their hair: a person does not notice how accidentally swallows a few hairs. This continues over and over again in the stomach and hair accumulates more and more, because they can remain in the body for many years.
When the hair ball becomes large enough part of his stomach torn away, and it is beginning to emerge, but this small part is still associated with a large ball remains in the stomach - get a long "ribbon" of hair passes through the entire digestive system. The phenomenon is called "Rapunzel Syndrome" because the hair is stretched through the intestines are strongly reminiscent of the hair of the heroine tales.
via factroom.ru
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