The origin of the legend of the yeti
stories Giant hairy poluchelovek poluobezyane tell-all over the world since time immemorial. In the Himalayas, it is called "Bigfoot" in Canada - "saskuotch" in the northwest United States - "Bigfoot." As a rule, describe the essence of the growth of 2-2 5 m with a large forehead, thick eyebrows, wide, cone-shaped head, huge feet and covered with red or brown hair body.
In ancient Indian legends, one can often find mention of the "wild men" - the harmless giants steal fish from the nets of fishermen, the bloodthirsty monster that lived at the mountain tops.
In America, about Bigfoot first began in 1958, when someone Gerald Crewe found giant footprints near the building in which he worked, and asked a friend to do with their plaster casts. On this history written all the major issues. Cru became a celebrity, and Bigfoot - one of the hottest topics.
However, it later emerged that the alleged Bigfoot prints were just a hoax that gave brother headed the same construction site Ray Uallasa. But "Bigfoot hunters" could not be stopped.
In 1967 he appeared "Patterson-Gimlin film." These frames were sealed by walking through the woods high and hairy "Bigfoot." Patterson claimed that the footage showed skilled special effects studio Universal and they are supposedly assured him that such a gait simulation would require a huge work and to find an actor who could do it, it is almost impossible.
However, skeptics also had its reasons. Firstly, people who knew Patterson said that he loved to invent, and secondly certain Bob Hieronimus said that on the tape - he dressed as Bigfoot.
Most meetings of people from snow people are jokes. There were even special shops who sold everything necessary for such jokes.
In 2008, two hunters snowman Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer claimed to have found and frozen body of a snowman. However, when the "body" was obtained for the study and defrosted, researchers have discovered a rubber foot, artificial hair and an empty head. Dyer and Whitton admitted that it was just a joke.
That is, in spite of the many fascinating stories, convincing evidence of the existence of Bigfoot as there was no and no.
via factroom.ru
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