Scientists can identify DNA geographical place of origin of your ancestors
An international group of scientists has developed a process that allows to determine the geographical origin of the person within 1000 years. The method, dubbed "the Geographic definition of the population" (Geographic Population Structure GPS),
so precise that allows you to define literally the place from which the ancestors of a person, and furthermore, opens new opportunities for personalized health care.
The developers of the new method are Dr. Eran Elhaik from the University of Sheffield and Dr. Tatiana Tatarinova from the University of southern California.
Previous similar methods allowed to trace the origin of the DNA of a person within a radius of 700 kilometers, but the new method allows us to trace the relationship around the world, up to 98 percent.
It works about as well as working GPS communicators. Only as coordinates to determine the location method uses the data of your DNA.

The GPS method is based on the principle of genetic mixing historical process, in which in the past independent from each other, populations began to interbreed and form a new genetic pool.
The new method simulates this process, given the more than 100,000 DNA signatures, known as hereditary informative markers that were typical for certain geographical region. For the analysis, instead of mitochondrial or Y-chromosome DNA, GPS uses autosomal chromosomes, since they provide a more uniform picture of each individual's genetic structure.
"We were surprised by the simplicity and accuracy of this method," says Dr. Elhaik."People within certain geographical areas in most cases have similar genetics.
In addition, they have genetic traits that can be discovered in more remote regions, however, most of these symptoms are markers of geographical origin, pointing to the nearest geographical location where these signs could originally happen."
In a study published in the journal Nature Communications, a team of scientists were able to determine
the origin of the genus 25 percent of residents of 10 villages in Sardinia. It turned out that they all come from small
villages located within a radius of 50 kilometers. In addition, the new method allowed to determine the location of the origin of the kind of people living on 20 Islands in Oceania. The study showed that the genus 90 percent of them is precisely one of those Islands, where they currently reside.
The discovery of a new method of identification of the genus reveals a number of useful features. Now able to more accurately
to establish the relationship of the person will allow doctors to more accurately determine the success in the treatment of certain genetic diseases and according to this data to choose more effective methods and ways of treatment.
In addition, it should be noted that there was direct evidence that different genotype might respond to certain medications.
In the end, the new method will more accurately determine the relationship and geographic origin of certain
narodonaselenie, for example, Gypsies and European Jews. Dr. Elhaik believes that GPS will be able to significantly change the way we think about this or that ethnicity.
What is most interesting, the essence of this project is to enable anyone
take advantage of the new method, if people took an autosomal DNA analysis in third-party institutions. People can upload the results of such analysis to the special website developed by Dr. Tatarinova, and to know the exact place of origin of his family.
Source: /users/1081
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