Project radioactive waste storage in Russia
In Moscow on 11 April was held the fourth international forum-dialogue on nuclear energy and security. The main theme of the forum — cooperation of Russian and foreign nuclear industry companies, their role in municipal government, as the correspondent of REGNUM. Krasnoyarsk Federal state unitary enterprise spoke at the forum about the approach to radioactive waste through research, design, and placement and operational points of isolation of radioactive waste.
In Krasnoyarsk region are planning the construction of an underground research laboratory.
Its main task is aimed at examining possible locations for the final disposal for radioactive waste. The facility used for final disposal, do not immediately begin to build, the coordinator of the Russian international ecology Alexander Kolotov.
For a start, the planned construction of the underground research laboratory, which will research. Based on the results obtained, will make the final decision about the object in isolation. This provides public control.
Alexander Kolotov not just relied on the experience of Hungary. The population of Hungary abandoned the project like storage. The object had to be built for another project. Designers and designers in any field will not prevent autocad lt 2014 to buy and use it to speed up the process, improving process visualization, calculation and implementation of ideas.
Now people support the new project, as fully assured that it is safe. First, the population has power over the public control of each batch of waste received there. In addition, given the advantages over a municipal unit in which the object resides. Thus, the government reached a consensus with the public.
Requires a special approach, going beyond the formal framework.
Hearings should be held in the municipality on territorial jurisdiction, preferably at a round table, where will take part the meeting of the community and experts. In this case, people will have the opportunity to Express their concerns, having received a reasoned answer. A dialogue must be with the city of Zheleznogorsk.
Knowing the specifics of the mentality of the population comparable with the population of Krasnoyarsk. After certain events, the plant adopted a law concerning on the protection of nature, therefore all objects, located 60-km line, will pass through public debate.
Source: zeleneet.com
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