The Peoples ' Friendship University turns green due to new waste collection system

At the ecological faculty of Peoples ' Friendship University September 2 officially opened the system of separate waste collection.
This "green" initiative was supported by University management and implemented the activist group of PFUR students. Matvei Astapkovich, 3rd year student, one of iniciatorom of the project, said, "Reedus," about how the idea was implemented, and what benefits the University will have from implementation of the project:
The idea of introducing the system, nor on the basis of the faculty of ecology arose from the students during Green week, where were presented various environmental initiatives, including separate collection of waste. This is the idea and decided to support the rector.
To segregate waste from September 2014, has already started the environmental Department, and in 2015 it is planned to implement this initiative in all academic buildings of PFUR. It should be noted that this action is not a "greenwashing" — when you install bins for separate collection, but the collected waste is not going to further processing. In the coming days will be signed an agreement between the economic services of the University and the company-caterer, which will direct the collected waste for recycling.
For the student who is constantly dealing with foreign nationals and provides them with the image of the country, the system of separate waste collection delivered another cultural component of Russian society. Matthew reported that foreign students of the faculty responded very positively to innovation and said that will now separate their garbage. "African students are exceptionally frugal attitude. From the point of view of sustainable development, then this is the ideal behavior. The same can be said about students from China. And we — the European part of this world — we are more consumer, and we need to be modest," said Matthew.

It is particularly important to note the willingness of University staff, including teachers and technicians who generate most of the waste buildings to change their way of life and to collect garbage separately. For the student and the environmental community, the introduction of separate collection of PFUR was a great event and the opening ceremony gathered not only representatives of the University, but also guests from other educational institutions and government agencies.

Opened the meeting Dean of the ecological faculty of PFUR Black Natalia Anatolievna, which proudly presented a pioneering and necessary project of students of the faculty: "it is Necessary that the environment came to life in all areas — Economics, law, Geology, math — I don't know any science, which now I would not need ecology. We are very happy that we have become founders of separate waste collection system. This system is long overdue has matured to such an extent that cannot be solved simply impossible. Society should solve the issue. Even, it would seem that the global economic problems pale into insignificance, because the waste is suitable so close to each person — we live in towns, large and small, and everywhere the question is that the waste must either properly dispose of, recycle, or simply impossible to live with. We are talking about survival."

"Heroes day", students Matthew, Pauline and Alla the authors and implementers of the project on separate collection, told about the main goals of the project at the moment — by the end of next year to implement the system in all buildings of the University and to recycle 45% of waste of the faculty.

"It will be difficult as so much waste that really is not fit for recycling, but we will work on this," said Matthew. According to the students opinion poll, almost 75% students of the faculty are willing to sort waste.

Director of economic-ecological center of Moscow state University Peter Kiryushin shared the experience of the pilot project on separate collection, held in the last academic year at MSU. He said that while people in Russia and aware of the separate collection of waste directly with him, few people faced, and people may have problems when having to separate trash into practice. "When next to the bins for separate waste collection were volunteers and helped to sort the garbage correctly, people took it positively and in consequence are themselves actively involved in the process, the waste is carried even from hostels and other buildings of the University."

At the opening ceremony the participants watched the video message of the rector of PFUR Vladimir Filippov, who supported the project and wished him luck:
The meeting was also attended by Lyudmila Clay, the representative of the Moscow Youth Multifunctional Center, which became the information partner of the project and rendered support in the development of "green University" and Vladimir Ermolaev, SKOLKOVO representative of the Academy.

In the end, the participants were able to ask the organizers questions and to discuss the prospects and details of the project, including representatives of the economic block of the University.

After the official part the guests and the participants, instead of cutting the red ribbon, ceremonially dropped a container of beer in the colored boxes.

"Ridus" talked with the Dean of the faculty of ecology, peoples ' friendship University Natalie Black about the prospects of this innovative project:
Also sister Natalia shared the view that eco-scepticism, the perception among Russians and officials on the need and demand for recycling, has under itself no bases:
Source: www.ridus.ru
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