Artificial insemination may cause damage to mankind

Robert Winston has warned that scientific breakthroughs in the field of in vitro fertilization can cause serious damage to humanity.
The scientist fears that rich, with the development of IVF technology, they will demand "designer" babies. One of the pioneers of in vitro fertilization'm sure the millionaires will require physicians child with unique appearance, abilities and talents. In the future, according to him, the rich are willing to pay to have genetic intervention allowed them to have a child with high intelligence, musical hearing, or extraordinary power.

The opinion of sir Winston had caused hot debates in the scientific world. Mainly because he is one of the pioneers of in vitro fertilization, a pioneer of IVF. Thanks to his efforts and talent, came to light more than 10,000 children around the world. Some experts believe in the rightness of the scientist, for example Philip Taylor: "If Lord Winston is saying this, it must be treated carefully to his words. He is the one who is an expert in this area and sees the wider picture".
Others do not agree with the respected expert. So Allan Pacey, Chairman of the British fertility society said that the ECO technology has not yet reached such a development to change, for example, musical ability. In addition, the law prohibits doing it, even if it was possible.
Source: nauka24news.ru/