Clean Wallpaper for walls: the features
In the world of modern home design environmentally friendly Wallpaper for walls is not the last position. Now these paintings have received even a single name of "ECO Wallpaper", reflecting their ecological cleanliness and safety. In addition, these paintings are composed of natural and natural components that reflect the aspirations of the people to be closer to nature.
ECO Wallpaper is really in Vogue, and not by accident. Search clean and safe materials, motivated by improving people's education and overall deterioration of environmental situation. Today, chemistry is all around us from all sides. It is clear that our compatriots want to make the atmosphere of natural housing, natural atmosphere. Moreover, a variety of environmentally friendly Wallpaper is sufficiently large.
Since the topic of ECO Wallpaper, most likely, will be of interest to readers on the website oboi-steny.ru will published several articles. Information about eco-friendly Wallpaper are so many to fit it in one small text is impossible. Besides, each of our article we will provide a lot of appropriate photos with the finished work.
Characteristics and features of environmentally friendly Wallpaperfirst we need to understand that ECO paintings can belong to different materials, composed of natural elements. However, it also should be mentioned regarding natural Wallpaper, in which there is only a small proportion of harmless artificial ingredients (like dyes and adhesives).
In any case, environmentally friendly canvas will differ a lot of positive qualities that other types of finishes. This:
1. Harmlessness. Natural elements do not emit harmful particles, which can be used in any way to harm the person or living thing. Often, these components, on the contrary, act as antiseptics, "ozdoravlivayuschim" atmosphere of a house.
2. Comfort. Natural materials environmental Wallpaper is easy to miss a couple of air, why stay in the room gets a natural comfort. The air in such walls or ceiling in no way suffers, the flow of air moving in normal mode. This means that the room is well ventilated, is ventilated, it is easy to breathe.
3. Insulation. Insulating properties of natural materials and time-tested. Of course, the degree of thermal insulation for different ECO Wallpaper will be different, but it will be! And it was good twice. First, the room heat will remain inside. Secondly, the external temperature to a lesser extent will have an impact on the atmosphere of the house.
4. Versatility. As you might guess, the Wallpaper made from environmentally friendly materials is applicable everywhere. Especially relevant is the finish in the rooms where the residents spend most of their time. For example, ECO Wallpaper is good in bedrooms, recreational areas, children's rooms, working rooms and even nurseries.
5. Durability, practicality. Private group ECO cloths are resistant to mechanical impacts, moisture resistance. As an illustrative example, consider cork and bamboo fabric, consisting of a dense and durable natural material. Such a finish will last you for decades, which is very beneficial and practical.
Cons of environmentally friendly Wallpaper,it is Obvious that such a luxury can not be cheap. The greater the margin of safety is characterized by the materials the less in them, no artificial ingredients, the higher their exoticism, the greater will be the price. Among the most expensive types of finishes I want to call:
— the palm leaf;
— reed stalk;
— high-quality textile;
exclusive wood fibers;
special vegetable fiber;
— cork fabric.
In addition, natural elements of ECO Wallpaper is able to absorb strong odors. For example, if the paste over leaves the kitchen very soon, the finish will have to change. This is the second negative point, which can easily be blocked in the same finish lacquer or wax impregnation.
Protecting the outer surface, ECO fabric, you greatly increase their lifespan, but lucky will have to select carefully! Cheap and poor quality finish coating can negate all the advantages of ecological Wallpaper. published
Source: oboi-steny.ru/informations/116-ekologicheski-chistye-oboi-dlya-sten-harakteristiki-i-osobennosti.html

ECO Wallpaper is really in Vogue, and not by accident. Search clean and safe materials, motivated by improving people's education and overall deterioration of environmental situation. Today, chemistry is all around us from all sides. It is clear that our compatriots want to make the atmosphere of natural housing, natural atmosphere. Moreover, a variety of environmentally friendly Wallpaper is sufficiently large.

Since the topic of ECO Wallpaper, most likely, will be of interest to readers on the website oboi-steny.ru will published several articles. Information about eco-friendly Wallpaper are so many to fit it in one small text is impossible. Besides, each of our article we will provide a lot of appropriate photos with the finished work.

Characteristics and features of environmentally friendly Wallpaperfirst we need to understand that ECO paintings can belong to different materials, composed of natural elements. However, it also should be mentioned regarding natural Wallpaper, in which there is only a small proportion of harmless artificial ingredients (like dyes and adhesives).

In any case, environmentally friendly canvas will differ a lot of positive qualities that other types of finishes. This:
1. Harmlessness. Natural elements do not emit harmful particles, which can be used in any way to harm the person or living thing. Often, these components, on the contrary, act as antiseptics, "ozdoravlivayuschim" atmosphere of a house.

2. Comfort. Natural materials environmental Wallpaper is easy to miss a couple of air, why stay in the room gets a natural comfort. The air in such walls or ceiling in no way suffers, the flow of air moving in normal mode. This means that the room is well ventilated, is ventilated, it is easy to breathe.

3. Insulation. Insulating properties of natural materials and time-tested. Of course, the degree of thermal insulation for different ECO Wallpaper will be different, but it will be! And it was good twice. First, the room heat will remain inside. Secondly, the external temperature to a lesser extent will have an impact on the atmosphere of the house.

4. Versatility. As you might guess, the Wallpaper made from environmentally friendly materials is applicable everywhere. Especially relevant is the finish in the rooms where the residents spend most of their time. For example, ECO Wallpaper is good in bedrooms, recreational areas, children's rooms, working rooms and even nurseries.
5. Durability, practicality. Private group ECO cloths are resistant to mechanical impacts, moisture resistance. As an illustrative example, consider cork and bamboo fabric, consisting of a dense and durable natural material. Such a finish will last you for decades, which is very beneficial and practical.

Cons of environmentally friendly Wallpaper,it is Obvious that such a luxury can not be cheap. The greater the margin of safety is characterized by the materials the less in them, no artificial ingredients, the higher their exoticism, the greater will be the price. Among the most expensive types of finishes I want to call:
— the palm leaf;
— reed stalk;
— high-quality textile;
exclusive wood fibers;
special vegetable fiber;
— cork fabric.

In addition, natural elements of ECO Wallpaper is able to absorb strong odors. For example, if the paste over leaves the kitchen very soon, the finish will have to change. This is the second negative point, which can easily be blocked in the same finish lacquer or wax impregnation.
Protecting the outer surface, ECO fabric, you greatly increase their lifespan, but lucky will have to select carefully! Cheap and poor quality finish coating can negate all the advantages of ecological Wallpaper. published
Source: oboi-steny.ru/informations/116-ekologicheski-chistye-oboi-dlya-sten-harakteristiki-i-osobennosti.html
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