Earthworms crawl to the surface of the earth after the rain, so as not to drown in the waterlogged soil

This conclusion biologists annelids, including 18 species, including mizostomid, Nereids, leeches and rain (earth) worms. According to scientists, these fauna are chosen on the surface due to the nature of their respiratory system - oxygen enters the body through their skin. In order to "absorb" the air, the body of worms should be wet, which is why most of them are covered with slime, and that the mucus does not evaporate, the worms live in moist soil, but if the water is too much, they suffocate, without having to absorb oxygen.

It should be noted that different types of worms consume oxygen at different rates and at different times: in 2008, the zoologists have studied two types of worms, one of which is selected in the rain on the surface, and the other - no. They found that the first for life requires much more oxygen, though the night; at the second level of the oxygen consumption is much lower, so they can live in a less humid soils.
Thus, waterlogging can be a serious problem for earthworms, as due to excess moisture, they can suffocate, but in the dry soil they will not survive. In addition, the yield on the surface - always a risky "adventure" for the worm, because the birds that feed on earthworms, not asleep.
Update: National Geographic lead several versions.
via factroom.ru