Somewhere in the ocean swims a lone whale singing, which nobody has ever seen
Scientists and volunteers the first year are "hunting" to "very lonely whale in the world" as it is called.
The peculiarity of this animal is that it emits sounds unusually high for other whales frequency (52Hz), and therefore its relatives can not perceive this signal.
"Songs" China first heard back in 1989, when the US Navy shortly before scientists began to transfer the recording to communicate whales made submarine. Among the sound frequency of 17-18 Hz Dr. William Watkins of the Oceanographic Institute in Woods Hole found one "song", the tone of which was significantly higher than the others.
After accumulating enough material in the 1990s Watkins closely engaged in the study of whales, his team was able to track the movement of a mammal in the North Pacific during the mating season when the whales behave more noisily. In 2004, Dr. published results of research and its findings in an article, but unfortunately died before the "lone whale 'started to discuss worldwide.
The baton of scientific research Watkins picked up his student - Mary Ann Daher. She once admitted that scientists still do not know what species belongs to an unusual instance and never even saw him. It is assumed that it is the blue whale or fin whale, perhaps, that a hybrid of the two species. Also, it is unclear why the animal utters sounds different from the signals of other whales. While we can say one thing - "single" has a good health, as living, at least for more than two decades.
via factroom.ru
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