Animal centenarians
Bowhead whales, 122 years
Bowhead Whale - Whale dark color without dorsal fin, which can grow up to 20 meters in length. The weight of this thick-skinned marine mammal can range from 75 to 100 tons, second only to the weight of a blue whale. Bowhead whale inhabits exclusively in arctic and subarctic waters, unlike other whales, which migrate to other places to give birth. Keith has the status of a species "in danger." In the scientific article Ned Rosella from the scientific institute of Alaska has been described by the whale, who was 211 years old. Use the method of determining the age has 16% accuracy, which means that the whale could be from 177 to 245 years, making it the oldest existing mammals on earth.
Bivalve species Arctica islandica - 507 years
Arctica islandica - the common name of bivalves family Arcticidae. This species lives in the North Atlantic Ocean, and it is collected for food. Live shellfish in water at a depth of 7 to 400 meters. In the northern part of their habitat, they settle in shallow waters close to shore. Living this kind for a long time - two individuals lived 507 years and 375 years.
Giant tortoise - 256 years
Advaita ("one and only" in Sanskrit) - the so-called 250-pound male giant tortoise at the zoo in Calcutta, India. It was one of the oldest animals on earth. According to historical accounts, he was a pet of British general Robert Clive of the East India Company, and spent several years in his mansion, and then, about 130 years ago, it was transferred to the zoo in Calcutta. Advaita died March 23, 2006. Its shell subjected to analysis to more accurately determine the age.
Koi "Hanako" - 226 years
Koi - a beautiful species of domesticated carp, which contain for decorative purposes in garden ponds. Varieties of koi are distinguished by the color, pattern and size scales. The most common colors - white, black, red, yellow, blue and cream. Age fish is calculated in the same manner as the age of the tree - the number of rings that the majority of fish scales are on. This method is used to determine the age of Hanako - the oldest in the world of koi carp. He died on July 7, 1977 at the age of 226 years.
Geoduck - 168 years
Geoduck - a kind of a very large family of shellfish Hiatellidae. The name comes from an Indian word meaning "dig deep." They live geoduck off the west coast of North America. Basically, in the state of Washington and British Columbia. It psammobiya largest in the world and one of the longest living animals on earth. Until the 1970s, these molluscs are not collected, but recently there was a demand from Asian markets, and shellfish are caught and are now selling for big money. The oldest geoduck was 168 years old.
Sturgeon - 125 years
One of the oldest families of bony fish - sturgeon - lives in subtropical, temperate and sub-Arctic areas in the sea water off the coast of Eurasia and North America, as well as in rivers and lakes. 0. 26 species of sturgeon called fish of the family Acipenseridae. They are usually a length of 2-3 meters, and some grow up to 5, 5 m. In April 2012, employees of the Department of Natural Resources Wisconsin tag attached to the 125-year-old sturgeon length of 2, 2 meters and a weight of 108 kg. After that, the fish was released.
Orange roughy - 149 years
Orange roughy - a relatively large fish family Trachichthyidae, which lives at a depth of 180 to 1800 meters in the waters of the western Pacific, eastern Atlantic and eastern Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Chile. Color fish - bright red, but after death they become orange or yellowish. The oldest member of this species was 149 years old.
European pearl - 210-250 years
European pearl - a rare species of freshwater pearl mussels family Margaritiferidae. This species produces pearls of excellent quality, and at all times it consistently produces people. Recently, the Russian scientist Valery Zyuganov famous throughout the world, revealing that this mollusk no signs of aging, and determined that its maximum life span - 210-250 years.
Red sea urchin - 200 years
This species, though called red sea urchin, its color can vary from pink or orange to almost black. He lives in the Pacific Ocean from Alaska to Baja California. He lives in shallow water, a maximum of 90 m and typically inhabits rocky shores. Round urchin body completely covered with sharp spines up to 8 cm. They grow on a solid shell covering the body of the animal. The oldest and largest sea urchins from British Columbia in Canada about 200 years.
Lamellibrachia luymesi - 170 years
Lamellibrachia luymesi - a kind of tube worms family Siboglinidae. It lives in deep water. Basically, in the northern part of the Gulf of Mexico at a depth of 500 to 800 m. This worm can reach more than 3 meters in length and is growing very slowly. Their life expectancy - of more than 170 years.
Source: p-i-f.livejournal.com
Bowhead Whale - Whale dark color without dorsal fin, which can grow up to 20 meters in length. The weight of this thick-skinned marine mammal can range from 75 to 100 tons, second only to the weight of a blue whale. Bowhead whale inhabits exclusively in arctic and subarctic waters, unlike other whales, which migrate to other places to give birth. Keith has the status of a species "in danger." In the scientific article Ned Rosella from the scientific institute of Alaska has been described by the whale, who was 211 years old. Use the method of determining the age has 16% accuracy, which means that the whale could be from 177 to 245 years, making it the oldest existing mammals on earth.

Bivalve species Arctica islandica - 507 years
Arctica islandica - the common name of bivalves family Arcticidae. This species lives in the North Atlantic Ocean, and it is collected for food. Live shellfish in water at a depth of 7 to 400 meters. In the northern part of their habitat, they settle in shallow waters close to shore. Living this kind for a long time - two individuals lived 507 years and 375 years.

Giant tortoise - 256 years
Advaita ("one and only" in Sanskrit) - the so-called 250-pound male giant tortoise at the zoo in Calcutta, India. It was one of the oldest animals on earth. According to historical accounts, he was a pet of British general Robert Clive of the East India Company, and spent several years in his mansion, and then, about 130 years ago, it was transferred to the zoo in Calcutta. Advaita died March 23, 2006. Its shell subjected to analysis to more accurately determine the age.

Koi "Hanako" - 226 years
Koi - a beautiful species of domesticated carp, which contain for decorative purposes in garden ponds. Varieties of koi are distinguished by the color, pattern and size scales. The most common colors - white, black, red, yellow, blue and cream. Age fish is calculated in the same manner as the age of the tree - the number of rings that the majority of fish scales are on. This method is used to determine the age of Hanako - the oldest in the world of koi carp. He died on July 7, 1977 at the age of 226 years.

Geoduck - 168 years
Geoduck - a kind of a very large family of shellfish Hiatellidae. The name comes from an Indian word meaning "dig deep." They live geoduck off the west coast of North America. Basically, in the state of Washington and British Columbia. It psammobiya largest in the world and one of the longest living animals on earth. Until the 1970s, these molluscs are not collected, but recently there was a demand from Asian markets, and shellfish are caught and are now selling for big money. The oldest geoduck was 168 years old.

Sturgeon - 125 years
One of the oldest families of bony fish - sturgeon - lives in subtropical, temperate and sub-Arctic areas in the sea water off the coast of Eurasia and North America, as well as in rivers and lakes. 0. 26 species of sturgeon called fish of the family Acipenseridae. They are usually a length of 2-3 meters, and some grow up to 5, 5 m. In April 2012, employees of the Department of Natural Resources Wisconsin tag attached to the 125-year-old sturgeon length of 2, 2 meters and a weight of 108 kg. After that, the fish was released.

Orange roughy - 149 years
Orange roughy - a relatively large fish family Trachichthyidae, which lives at a depth of 180 to 1800 meters in the waters of the western Pacific, eastern Atlantic and eastern Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Chile. Color fish - bright red, but after death they become orange or yellowish. The oldest member of this species was 149 years old.

European pearl - 210-250 years
European pearl - a rare species of freshwater pearl mussels family Margaritiferidae. This species produces pearls of excellent quality, and at all times it consistently produces people. Recently, the Russian scientist Valery Zyuganov famous throughout the world, revealing that this mollusk no signs of aging, and determined that its maximum life span - 210-250 years.

Red sea urchin - 200 years
This species, though called red sea urchin, its color can vary from pink or orange to almost black. He lives in the Pacific Ocean from Alaska to Baja California. He lives in shallow water, a maximum of 90 m and typically inhabits rocky shores. Round urchin body completely covered with sharp spines up to 8 cm. They grow on a solid shell covering the body of the animal. The oldest and largest sea urchins from British Columbia in Canada about 200 years.

Lamellibrachia luymesi - 170 years
Lamellibrachia luymesi - a kind of tube worms family Siboglinidae. It lives in deep water. Basically, in the northern part of the Gulf of Mexico at a depth of 500 to 800 m. This worm can reach more than 3 meters in length and is growing very slowly. Their life expectancy - of more than 170 years.

Source: p-i-f.livejournal.com