American programmer made a prototype of a robot for cleaning debris
A programmer by profession and an amateur robotics life HackADay user site under the name BDM placed on the resource description of your project - automatic garbage collection «Lazy Cleaner 9000».
The garbage is collected on the basis of children's electric vehicle uses a Raspberry Pi to run the software, the camera Rasp. Pi NOIR cam to shoot and produce images that are then processed pattern recognition algorithm.
After the algorithm determines the objects that differ in color from the background (eg lawn), little car moves into a comfortable position, the robotic arm (made yourself enthusiast) with controller and several motor moves and picks up trash from the ground.
The project is still under development, so that the author has not figured out where it will be possible to adapt the container for garbage collection. In addition, the operation and construction roboruki clearly require further development. The plans of the author - to make the sensor filling garbage containers, add lighting, GPS-receiver, and the ability to transmit location coordinates LZ9000.
Author dream that such robots could tirelessly to clean up debris from beaches, roadsides and parks. Details of the project and source code algorithms can be found on the project page .
Source: geektimes.ru/post/262048/
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