Five school truths that it's time to stop teaching
Textbooks do not have time for the accumulation of human knowledge about mire
Let's start with the issues that matter.

Let's start with the issues that matter.
- How many human feelings?
- Which of the following is reacted with a magnet: a tomato, a man staples?
- What are the main colors you know?
- What part of the tongue is responsible for the bitter taste?
- What are the states of matter, you know?
- the five senses;
- staples;
- red, yellow, blue;
- back of the tongue;
- solid , liquid and gas.
1. We have more than five chuvstv
Taste, touch, sight, hearing and smell - it's not even a hundredth of a rich arsenal of all that we have for understanding the world. The motion we perceive through accelerometers located in the vestibular system - the fluid moves through the tiny channels in the ears. Because of them, we feel the movement, because of this, do we have a sense of balance. If you feel dizzy, the device a little "junk».
When we hold our breath, we feel sour taste - is dissolved in the blood and carbon dioxide forms carbonic acid. And, of course, we have a ways to feel temperature, pain, time, and a myriad of other things. All this allows us to meet their needs and respond to what is happening within us and in the manifestation of the environment.
2. Magnetic ottalkivanieMagnityatsya not only staples. Tomatoes and people, for example, also react with the magnetic fields.
Staples and other objects containing iron, cobalt and nickel - ferromagnets. This means that they are attracted by the magnetic field. And the water in us and in tomatoes, more precisely, the hydrogen nuclei in the water, magnetic fields are repelled. This interaction is called diamagnetism.
Participating in the process forces are so weak that, in normal circumstances, we do not notice them. And if a man put into the machine for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a powerful magnet will start to manipulate the various nuclei of the atoms of your body and the result is a detailed picture of the internal organs.
You do not need to go to the hospital to see the diamagnetic interactions. Just grab a cherry tomato, a strong magnet, a wooden stick and a pin and follow the instructions in the video:
It's not all kinds of magnetism, of course. But more about that another time.
3. The basic colors very drugie
We were taught that the primary colors - are the ones that can not be obtained by mixing other colors together. Red and blue are not suitable. Red can be obtained by mixing yellow with magenta. A mixture of magenta and cyan give blue. And if you mix only the red, blue and yellow, then a huge range of colors and so will not be able to receive.
All this became known in the early 19th century, but the curriculum for some reason never made it. So school children ages misleading. Do you have a color printer? Then look at the cartridges - yellow, blue and purple, right? This is the true primary colors.
4. Bitter vkus
Remember schematic picture language textbook on biology. It shows that the taste buds for bitter taste at the back of the tongue. And for the sweet, sour and salty have their own area. All individually.
This "language card" first appeared in 1942, the year after, and Edwin Boring Harvard misinterpreted a study of 1901. Boring was mistaken, but his mistake soon appeared in school textbooks. In 1974 the subject was reviewed, and the idea was heavily criticized. It took 40 years, but "taste map language" remained on the pages of biology textbooks still.
5. Look at your monitor
We were taught that have a permanent form of solid objects, because the molecules are arranged in them. But they can be melted, and then they become liquid - flowing, but with a constant volume. Liquid evaporates, forming gases, which expand and occupy all the available volume. So, we have three states of matter, and the point.
Of course, there are more. The liquid crystal molecules are ordered as in solids, but flowable. This feature is critical for cells of our bodies, shampoos, and, of course, LCD flat screens.
States do not even four. There is, for example, more plasma - a state of most of the elements in the sun. There Bose-Einstein condensate, a superfluid, and dozens of others.
Time to rewrite textbooks? Perhaps. Erroneous "facts" in the school program for more than five. Of course, it is not necessary to explain the discovery of first-graders to list of Nobel Prize winners or textbook dozens feelings. But do not force children to believe in mistakes and fabrications in the infallible truth.
Biology lesson can begin with the words: "We have a lot of feelings, but today we will talk about the five." A physics may be mentioned that the matter can take more than three states. As to the "language card" that the page at all, you can simply pull out.
via factroom.ru