"Man Magnet" How to become a charismatic and to attract people
If you want to attract people? Here's what you need delat
You probably know these people who seem to be so charming that like everyone. A surprising property of the individual, is called charisma, hardly gives the definition, however, does not mean that it can not be a mysterious quality to develop in yourself. It would be a wish! To help you, we've compiled a list of actions that will support and strengthen your charisma and confidence sebe.1. Learn to "the art of proximity" "proximity" - the most important aspect of charisma. In fact, it is the ability to show the other person that it is focused on all your vnimanie.Fakticheski art proximity underlines one simple thing you should always remember doing development Charisma: you are here - the second plane.Kogda you think of charisma, you can think of of it as an attempt, they say, "to submit themselves" to conduct a competent self-presentation. However, the paradoxical secret of charisma is that the main problem here - not to trumpet all of his fine qualities, but to make people feel at home with vami.Nastoyaschaya charisma is not directed into the personality and outward into the world. However, all we love ourselves, and we like to speak about myself. The people in your life that you find enjoyable and charismatic, just let you be yourself and talk about yourself. So be more positive, push away your ego and switch all their attention on sobesednika.Eto really prosto.Obraschayte attention to every word that comes from the mouth of the interlocutor. Imagine that you are watching an interesting movie, or read a book, and gradually getting better you recognize the protagonist. The most important thing here - to listen and not think about what you say, when he zakonchit.
2. Develop confidence in sebeUverennost can be a great springboard for strengthening the charisma, but on this quality, too, need to work. On the one hand, you do not want to appear arrogant. On the other - do not want to seem timid and skovannym.Zdes all boils down to, to feel good, being itself. A few simple tricks to help you build confidence, we have described in this state.3. RazgovoraPrezhde master the art of all, decide what you want or do not want to talk. When the conversation among find something that will make you embarrassed, the tone of the conversation may change or even just cut short the conversation, if the other person is tactful and does not want to cause you nelovkost.A more good sides know how to raise others to their level. The story and share your experience. Use humor, refer to citations, read the book "How to be an interesting conversationalist" .and the last (but not least): the ability to ask questions. People like to be heard. Anyone who asks questions, usually controls the meeting. In addition, the right question can be said about the depth of your knowledge far more than irritating hvastovstvo.Umeniyu ask the right questions the subject of many books, but we want to emphasize the "Just say" No! "" Jim Camp. This author has built one of the most effective systems of negotiation, one of the main faces of which - the ability to ask the right interlocutor voprosy.Predstavte yourself talk show host. These shows are nice, charismatic, charming and funny people, but most of the time they do not do nothing but ask questions. Because charisma - is mostly listening to others, rather than a story about sebe.
4. Practice effective visual kontaktInogda good eye contact helps to communicate better than any words. Properly posed eye contact can show that you are listening to what you're interested in, and what you perceive as the interlocutor lichnost.Vzglyad directed to the floor, or wandering eye indicates that the source you are not interested, and that your attention is focused on something else. Coaching eye contact is difficult, but still possible. Try to keep eye contact for a second longer than usual. How you feel about it? And how is the man? Remember, there are plenty of opportunities to try it. Train to waiters, barmen, kassirah.So time you begin to feel what works and what net.Pri installation of eye contact is important, how long it lasts. If you do not believe in yourself, and do not know how to start, try to focus on the color of the eyes of your interlocutor. Try to notice the color of the eyes of every person with whom you communicate, and make it a habit. This - the type of eye contact that will help you appear more confident, are not like this when a person with strannostyami.5. Use the body to express emotsiyIspolzuyte own body to highlight and reinforce the feelings and emotions: motion, smile, be lively, but do not overdo it: no need to spin in place like a top. Just emphasize facial expressions and gestures of your positive emotions obscheniya.I a couple of words about the bad types of expressive behavior. For example, nodding - is a great way to show someone that you are listening. But too many nods - it is bad, it is better to do nothing at all. Because in this case, the source quickly realize that you are only trying to show that listening to, then feel glupo.
6. If in doubt - "otzerkalivayte" "Mirroring" - the simplest way to add yourself charisma. Adjust under the demeanor and the level of expression of another person, and you will see how well it will begin to react to it. You do not need to agree with everything that the other person says or does, just try to behave and act the way it does on.Vy can also try "otzerkalivat" useful qualities which meet others. Generally, when it comes to charisma, observation of others becomes the main tool and a factor of success. Keep an eye on and learn from. In the end, that's right - by copying - children are taught in adult basic life navykam.Ne Feel free to use this method. Copying may even give you more confidence: feeling like "a foreign skin" you will automatically see the world a little bit different angle.
via factroom.ru

You probably know these people who seem to be so charming that like everyone. A surprising property of the individual, is called charisma, hardly gives the definition, however, does not mean that it can not be a mysterious quality to develop in yourself. It would be a wish! To help you, we've compiled a list of actions that will support and strengthen your charisma and confidence sebe.1. Learn to "the art of proximity" "proximity" - the most important aspect of charisma. In fact, it is the ability to show the other person that it is focused on all your vnimanie.Fakticheski art proximity underlines one simple thing you should always remember doing development Charisma: you are here - the second plane.Kogda you think of charisma, you can think of of it as an attempt, they say, "to submit themselves" to conduct a competent self-presentation. However, the paradoxical secret of charisma is that the main problem here - not to trumpet all of his fine qualities, but to make people feel at home with vami.Nastoyaschaya charisma is not directed into the personality and outward into the world. However, all we love ourselves, and we like to speak about myself. The people in your life that you find enjoyable and charismatic, just let you be yourself and talk about yourself. So be more positive, push away your ego and switch all their attention on sobesednika.Eto really prosto.Obraschayte attention to every word that comes from the mouth of the interlocutor. Imagine that you are watching an interesting movie, or read a book, and gradually getting better you recognize the protagonist. The most important thing here - to listen and not think about what you say, when he zakonchit.

2. Develop confidence in sebeUverennost can be a great springboard for strengthening the charisma, but on this quality, too, need to work. On the one hand, you do not want to appear arrogant. On the other - do not want to seem timid and skovannym.Zdes all boils down to, to feel good, being itself. A few simple tricks to help you build confidence, we have described in this state.3. RazgovoraPrezhde master the art of all, decide what you want or do not want to talk. When the conversation among find something that will make you embarrassed, the tone of the conversation may change or even just cut short the conversation, if the other person is tactful and does not want to cause you nelovkost.A more good sides know how to raise others to their level. The story and share your experience. Use humor, refer to citations, read the book "How to be an interesting conversationalist" .and the last (but not least): the ability to ask questions. People like to be heard. Anyone who asks questions, usually controls the meeting. In addition, the right question can be said about the depth of your knowledge far more than irritating hvastovstvo.Umeniyu ask the right questions the subject of many books, but we want to emphasize the "Just say" No! "" Jim Camp. This author has built one of the most effective systems of negotiation, one of the main faces of which - the ability to ask the right interlocutor voprosy.Predstavte yourself talk show host. These shows are nice, charismatic, charming and funny people, but most of the time they do not do nothing but ask questions. Because charisma - is mostly listening to others, rather than a story about sebe.

4. Practice effective visual kontaktInogda good eye contact helps to communicate better than any words. Properly posed eye contact can show that you are listening to what you're interested in, and what you perceive as the interlocutor lichnost.Vzglyad directed to the floor, or wandering eye indicates that the source you are not interested, and that your attention is focused on something else. Coaching eye contact is difficult, but still possible. Try to keep eye contact for a second longer than usual. How you feel about it? And how is the man? Remember, there are plenty of opportunities to try it. Train to waiters, barmen, kassirah.So time you begin to feel what works and what net.Pri installation of eye contact is important, how long it lasts. If you do not believe in yourself, and do not know how to start, try to focus on the color of the eyes of your interlocutor. Try to notice the color of the eyes of every person with whom you communicate, and make it a habit. This - the type of eye contact that will help you appear more confident, are not like this when a person with strannostyami.5. Use the body to express emotsiyIspolzuyte own body to highlight and reinforce the feelings and emotions: motion, smile, be lively, but do not overdo it: no need to spin in place like a top. Just emphasize facial expressions and gestures of your positive emotions obscheniya.I a couple of words about the bad types of expressive behavior. For example, nodding - is a great way to show someone that you are listening. But too many nods - it is bad, it is better to do nothing at all. Because in this case, the source quickly realize that you are only trying to show that listening to, then feel glupo.

6. If in doubt - "otzerkalivayte" "Mirroring" - the simplest way to add yourself charisma. Adjust under the demeanor and the level of expression of another person, and you will see how well it will begin to react to it. You do not need to agree with everything that the other person says or does, just try to behave and act the way it does on.Vy can also try "otzerkalivat" useful qualities which meet others. Generally, when it comes to charisma, observation of others becomes the main tool and a factor of success. Keep an eye on and learn from. In the end, that's right - by copying - children are taught in adult basic life navykam.Ne Feel free to use this method. Copying may even give you more confidence: feeling like "a foreign skin" you will automatically see the world a little bit different angle.
via factroom.ru