Replace drugs with berries! Their useful properties are able to overcome a lot of diseases.
Who does not like grapes? Their flavor is not inferior to the benefits they bring to the body. As you know, the easiest way to strengthen your immune system - a daily diet include at least a handful of berries that you like and are considered the most beneficial for the health. Prepare berries for future use as you like: freeze boil delicious jam or simply to dry. Berries surprising that retain their beneficial properties in different treatment methods. The immune system must be maintained constantly because stocks do berry. Choose for yourself the most useful berry, below are the properties of their delightful spa.
1. Pomegranate
Well, the garnet-harvest is not necessary, and in the winter it Placis abound. It is that you can treat yourself to pomegranate juice. Pomegranate juice - the perfect hematopoietic agent is recommended for anemia, diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys and lungs. Pomegranate helps to normalize blood pressure. According to recent studies, estrogens contained in the pomegranate are able to alleviate the symptoms of menopause in women and fight depression. Pomegranate juice is very good for colds: respiratory infections, sore throat, coughing, struggling with a high temperature, is anti-inflammatory agent.
2. Rhubarb
One of the major beneficial qualities of rhubarb - its ability to improve the digestive process. According to the content of iron and magnesium rhubarb ahead even apples. These substances are responsible for healthy sleep and a strong nervous system. Magnesium helps to build muscle mass, so the plant is recommended to use weight training fans! Because of succinic acid rhubarb recommend taking to strengthen the heart muscle and eliminate hangover. Rhubarb - a valuable source of vitamin C, which prevents the transmission of infectious diseases, protects against colds, supports the body in good shape, pushes onset of old age. Rhubarb can be put on a par with berries as a medicinal plant, it simply unique in its therapeutic characteristics.
3. Raspberry
Everyone knows the useful property of raspberries for colds lowering the temperature. Raspberry and its beneficial properties also help people who suffer from sciatica, anemia, atherosclerosis. Copper, which is part of a raspberry, normalizes and regulates the nervous system. That is why people who feel constant stress and nervous breakdowns, it is desirable to make it in your diet. Raspberry jam - it is simply delicious!
4. Cherries
For colds cherry is an excellent antipyretic and bronchitis and dry cough berries act as a gentle but effective expectorant. Cherries can serve as an excellent preventive measure against heart attacks, thrombosis, strokes, angina attacks and complications from arterial atherosclerosis. Cherry juice - effective natural antiseptic, depressing agents of dysentery. It is useful to add the cherries to the diet of pregnant women, because the berries contain folic acid, which plays an important role in the development of the embryo. This low-calorie berry improves metabolic processes in the body, because it is very useful to those who want to lose weight.
5. Strawberry
Due potassium and magnesium present in this useful berry, it contributes to lowering of blood pressure caused by an excess of harmful salts. Strawberry is especially useful for older people, berry rejuvenates the body, positive effect on the brain, improves memory, stops the aging of the brain and normalizes the nervous system. The presence of iodine in the strawberry up for its deficiency in the body. Eating strawberries shown diabetics - it lowers blood sugar. Strawberry juice dissolves stones in the bile ducts. That's really really natural healer!
6. Kalina
Broth from Viburnum has excellent anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties, for this reason it is often used to treat colds and infectious diseases. This tool also has sedative effects, and reduces the risk of seizures, respectively, is used to treat various nervous disorders. The juice of the berries wonderful Kalinovoye used in diseases of the liver. Kalina - the first remedy for coughs, everybody knows it. And although its taste and smell is not very pleasant, snowball effects on the organism is difficult to overestimate.
7. Cranberry
Cranberry comprises a plurality of antioxidants and also has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Drinking cranberry improves appetite and digestion. Increases the production of gastric juice and pancreatic juice. This leads to a cure for gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice. Cranberries also have a diuretic and bactericidal effect and are useful in pyelonephritis. Cranberry save you from beriberi. Interest to this berry should smokers - it quickly compensates lost during smoking vitamin C.
With such wonderful natural medicines you are not afraid of any disease! Do not forget that everything is contained in the most useful natural products.
Take care of your health and take care of their loved ones - tell them about this valuable article.
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1. Pomegranate
Well, the garnet-harvest is not necessary, and in the winter it Placis abound. It is that you can treat yourself to pomegranate juice. Pomegranate juice - the perfect hematopoietic agent is recommended for anemia, diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys and lungs. Pomegranate helps to normalize blood pressure. According to recent studies, estrogens contained in the pomegranate are able to alleviate the symptoms of menopause in women and fight depression. Pomegranate juice is very good for colds: respiratory infections, sore throat, coughing, struggling with a high temperature, is anti-inflammatory agent.

2. Rhubarb
One of the major beneficial qualities of rhubarb - its ability to improve the digestive process. According to the content of iron and magnesium rhubarb ahead even apples. These substances are responsible for healthy sleep and a strong nervous system. Magnesium helps to build muscle mass, so the plant is recommended to use weight training fans! Because of succinic acid rhubarb recommend taking to strengthen the heart muscle and eliminate hangover. Rhubarb - a valuable source of vitamin C, which prevents the transmission of infectious diseases, protects against colds, supports the body in good shape, pushes onset of old age. Rhubarb can be put on a par with berries as a medicinal plant, it simply unique in its therapeutic characteristics.

3. Raspberry
Everyone knows the useful property of raspberries for colds lowering the temperature. Raspberry and its beneficial properties also help people who suffer from sciatica, anemia, atherosclerosis. Copper, which is part of a raspberry, normalizes and regulates the nervous system. That is why people who feel constant stress and nervous breakdowns, it is desirable to make it in your diet. Raspberry jam - it is simply delicious!

4. Cherries
For colds cherry is an excellent antipyretic and bronchitis and dry cough berries act as a gentle but effective expectorant. Cherries can serve as an excellent preventive measure against heart attacks, thrombosis, strokes, angina attacks and complications from arterial atherosclerosis. Cherry juice - effective natural antiseptic, depressing agents of dysentery. It is useful to add the cherries to the diet of pregnant women, because the berries contain folic acid, which plays an important role in the development of the embryo. This low-calorie berry improves metabolic processes in the body, because it is very useful to those who want to lose weight.

5. Strawberry
Due potassium and magnesium present in this useful berry, it contributes to lowering of blood pressure caused by an excess of harmful salts. Strawberry is especially useful for older people, berry rejuvenates the body, positive effect on the brain, improves memory, stops the aging of the brain and normalizes the nervous system. The presence of iodine in the strawberry up for its deficiency in the body. Eating strawberries shown diabetics - it lowers blood sugar. Strawberry juice dissolves stones in the bile ducts. That's really really natural healer!

6. Kalina
Broth from Viburnum has excellent anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties, for this reason it is often used to treat colds and infectious diseases. This tool also has sedative effects, and reduces the risk of seizures, respectively, is used to treat various nervous disorders. The juice of the berries wonderful Kalinovoye used in diseases of the liver. Kalina - the first remedy for coughs, everybody knows it. And although its taste and smell is not very pleasant, snowball effects on the organism is difficult to overestimate.

7. Cranberry
Cranberry comprises a plurality of antioxidants and also has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Drinking cranberry improves appetite and digestion. Increases the production of gastric juice and pancreatic juice. This leads to a cure for gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice. Cranberries also have a diuretic and bactericidal effect and are useful in pyelonephritis. Cranberry save you from beriberi. Interest to this berry should smokers - it quickly compensates lost during smoking vitamin C.

With such wonderful natural medicines you are not afraid of any disease! Do not forget that everything is contained in the most useful natural products.
Take care of your health and take care of their loved ones - tell them about this valuable article.
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