They drew a circle on the foil ... you were surprised when you see what came of it!
Christmas decorations - a space for imagination! You can invent anything and experiment with different shapes and materials. But the traditional decor also held in high esteem, habitual crafts delight the eye and forced to indulge in childhood memories. Try to make the star of a conventional foil - it perfectly complement any festive interior. And certainly there are materials you have at home.
To create this beauty, you will need:

To create this beauty, you will need:
- 1 roll of foil
- The wire length of 30 cm
- Scissors
- The Chinese chopsticks
- 1 plastic cover medium size
- Pliers 1. Put the lid on the center of the sheet of foil. The cover must not touch the edges.
2. Carefully circle the contours of the cover stick.
3. Fold the foil nine times.
4. Cut the resulting package and put away the roll.
5. Put the cover on top of the bundle of foil and carefully circle the stick again, leaving an imprint on all layers.
6. Cut out the contour of the resulting circle - you get 10 laps.
7. Take one shining circle and fold it several times - first half, the resulting crescent - again half. Will a piece of foil, shaped like a slice of pizza.
8. Fold the acute angle into slices about 1 cm. The seventh and eighth paragraphs should be repeated with each round.
9. Unfold the circle and gently cut the fold lines as shown in the picture.
10. With the help of sticks Fold the resulting triangular pieces. Secure the tape rays star.
11. This is what you should get:
12. Now it is possible to string a star on the postings. With the help of beads you can fix the end of the wire.
13. Alternately, the wire is passed to all get a star.
14. Adds spaciousness star round shape by clicking on its center.
15. It remains to make a loop of the wire end. Done!
Also, you can see detailed video, how to make this star.
You see, you did not think that you can easily do so impressive-looking decoration! If you work carefully, the result is really impressive. It is a worthy option for festive decoration at home and in public places. And students get high scores for the execution of such a masterpiece in the classroom work!
Show all your friends how to make a star out of the bulk of the foil. Christmas mood already in the air!
via takprosto cc
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