Invaluable help in the upbringing of children 12 reasons why every child should grow up with a dog.
Do you want your child has grown a full-fledged personality was perfectly healthy and able to communicate with other people? It is enough to have a dog, and it will make a significant contribution to the education of a young person who does not replace any other life experience. These 12 reasons will help you finally make the dog house, the joy of a child. Man's best friend in the house will create a favorable atmosphere for the upbringing of a happy and confident kid.
1. Kids who live with dogs, get sick less
Stay in the same house with the dog improves the immune system of children of all ages, including infants. According to research, children who are in social dog, much less suffer from respiratory and other infectious diseases. Many people try to protect children from child extra microbes by isolating them from the world and placed in sterile conditions. It hurts immunity weakens it, while the microbes that live on a dog, doing a miracle - they stimulate a child's body defenses.
2. The dog gives confidence
A child suffering from insecurity, cured of this unpleasant traits due to the dog. Responsibility for the care of a living creature makes children self-confidence, taking care of the other builds character - a child becomes stronger, will feel its importance, because it determines the life of the pet. Good idea - to teach a child to read along with the dog. Some children are embarrassed to read aloud to be heard more, but read favorite fairy dog no one will refuse!
3. The fight against allergies and asthma
The presence of the dog helps to cope even with such childish troubles, allergies and asthma. This is due to the increase of immunity miraculous of which above. So if your child is suffering from these diseases, necessarily creek dog!
4. Healthy Heart
Dog owners - all children and adults - are less prone to stress, an animal magically soothes, relieves anxiety. Caressing the dog, the owner is automatically strengthens your cardiovascular system, because the blood pressure decreases during communication with the darling of the nervous system rests.
5. Active lifestyle
Dog helps instilling love for the sport of a child to a more sedentary life. Walking and jogging with the dog - invaluable for the physical health of the child!
6. Best friend for children with autism
By reducing anxiety, the dog can work wonders - they create a comfortable environment for even the most restless children with autism, for hyperactive children, helps to cope with the syndrome of scattered attention.
7. Dog strengthens the family!
Grooming a dog together, all family members are united and stronger family ties. Love the friendly and incredibly playful essence unites all - brothers, sisters, spouses.
8. Daily Diet
A dog teaches the child to the regime of the day when you have to wake up early and walk with tailed miracle. Discipline and uporyadochnennost come along with the appearance of the dog. Great solution for all uncollected school!
9. Irreplaceable chat
Communicating with a dog, children learn to communicate with others! If you want to have a child were very well developed communication and social skills, give him a dog.
10. A true friend
Dog teaches children to love - it gives her love in its purest form, totally disinterested. The child feels loved, desired a child, because in the future will be able to give their love to others. Many people do not know this now - what a pity that they did not have a dog as a child.
11. Developing a love of work
Hard work is instilled from childhood, and the dog is very positive impact on this quality. To take care of furry pet, you need to make an effort to work. The secret is that the child will be happy to work for the benefit of the dog, and work with pleasure - the foundation for the development of hard-working, energetic person.
12. Happiness
Playing with the dog, the child learns the true happiness! One of the reasons is sufficient to settle chetyrehlapoe marvel at home.
After reading these 12 reasons to have a dog, you probably want to invite her to his home. Why not? Your child deserves to have such a wonderful friend, and all the effort spent on his care, reward with a vengeance. The dog will do for the baby more than the best babysitter.
Show this article to all those who have kids - Give the dog a chance to raise a happy child!
via takprosto cc
1. Kids who live with dogs, get sick less
Stay in the same house with the dog improves the immune system of children of all ages, including infants. According to research, children who are in social dog, much less suffer from respiratory and other infectious diseases. Many people try to protect children from child extra microbes by isolating them from the world and placed in sterile conditions. It hurts immunity weakens it, while the microbes that live on a dog, doing a miracle - they stimulate a child's body defenses.

2. The dog gives confidence
A child suffering from insecurity, cured of this unpleasant traits due to the dog. Responsibility for the care of a living creature makes children self-confidence, taking care of the other builds character - a child becomes stronger, will feel its importance, because it determines the life of the pet. Good idea - to teach a child to read along with the dog. Some children are embarrassed to read aloud to be heard more, but read favorite fairy dog no one will refuse!

3. The fight against allergies and asthma
The presence of the dog helps to cope even with such childish troubles, allergies and asthma. This is due to the increase of immunity miraculous of which above. So if your child is suffering from these diseases, necessarily creek dog!

4. Healthy Heart
Dog owners - all children and adults - are less prone to stress, an animal magically soothes, relieves anxiety. Caressing the dog, the owner is automatically strengthens your cardiovascular system, because the blood pressure decreases during communication with the darling of the nervous system rests.

5. Active lifestyle
Dog helps instilling love for the sport of a child to a more sedentary life. Walking and jogging with the dog - invaluable for the physical health of the child!

6. Best friend for children with autism
By reducing anxiety, the dog can work wonders - they create a comfortable environment for even the most restless children with autism, for hyperactive children, helps to cope with the syndrome of scattered attention.

7. Dog strengthens the family!
Grooming a dog together, all family members are united and stronger family ties. Love the friendly and incredibly playful essence unites all - brothers, sisters, spouses.

8. Daily Diet
A dog teaches the child to the regime of the day when you have to wake up early and walk with tailed miracle. Discipline and uporyadochnennost come along with the appearance of the dog. Great solution for all uncollected school!

9. Irreplaceable chat
Communicating with a dog, children learn to communicate with others! If you want to have a child were very well developed communication and social skills, give him a dog.

10. A true friend
Dog teaches children to love - it gives her love in its purest form, totally disinterested. The child feels loved, desired a child, because in the future will be able to give their love to others. Many people do not know this now - what a pity that they did not have a dog as a child.

11. Developing a love of work
Hard work is instilled from childhood, and the dog is very positive impact on this quality. To take care of furry pet, you need to make an effort to work. The secret is that the child will be happy to work for the benefit of the dog, and work with pleasure - the foundation for the development of hard-working, energetic person.

12. Happiness
Playing with the dog, the child learns the true happiness! One of the reasons is sufficient to settle chetyrehlapoe marvel at home.

After reading these 12 reasons to have a dog, you probably want to invite her to his home. Why not? Your child deserves to have such a wonderful friend, and all the effort spent on his care, reward with a vengeance. The dog will do for the baby more than the best babysitter.
Show this article to all those who have kids - Give the dog a chance to raise a happy child!
via takprosto cc
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