Such purity you have not seen! The snow-white bath for 5 minutes.
This recipe cleansing bath smb your head. Just think: you no longer need expensive cleansers, do not spend a lot of time trying to clean off annoying stains. Just enough to cause the miracle mixture on the surface of the bath and leave it for half an hour. The result will surpass your wildest expectations! You'll see pristine bath - and it will not cost you any effort. Try to make the cleaning bath for this recipe and make sure it works.
1. Mix 2 tbsp. l. soda and 2 tablespoons. l. baking soda into a homogeneous mass and sodium wet bath with this mixture.
2. After 5-10 minutes, measure twice 50 g of vinegar and 50 g of bleach. Do not flush the first cleaning layer. Instead, he painted over the other - from the vinegar and bleach.
3. Just a half an hour rinse noticeably whitened bath with plenty of water. Voila! Everything is ready.
What you had done previously in his bath to wash it - unnecessary heroism. As you can see, it is possible to cope with this fast and very effective! Try to carry out this procedure once, and you'll always be so. Your bath will delight your shining splendor.
To your friends do not waste time on the cleaning bath, tell them this good advice - their joy is boundless!
via takprosto cc
1. Mix 2 tbsp. l. soda and 2 tablespoons. l. baking soda into a homogeneous mass and sodium wet bath with this mixture.
2. After 5-10 minutes, measure twice 50 g of vinegar and 50 g of bleach. Do not flush the first cleaning layer. Instead, he painted over the other - from the vinegar and bleach.
3. Just a half an hour rinse noticeably whitened bath with plenty of water. Voila! Everything is ready.
What you had done previously in his bath to wash it - unnecessary heroism. As you can see, it is possible to cope with this fast and very effective! Try to carry out this procedure once, and you'll always be so. Your bath will delight your shining splendor.
To your friends do not waste time on the cleaning bath, tell them this good advice - their joy is boundless!
via takprosto cc
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