The signals of the body, which can not be ignored: do not risk your life!
Our body can be called a very clever system, because in the event of various diseases, he tries to help us understand the causes of diseases. Even small and subtle changes in the functioning of different systems can talk about very serious problems of internal organs. .cc gathered for you decipher the various signals of the body to help maintain health.
Dry mouth
It may be a reaction to stress and anxiety. But if the dryness persists, and you become irritable, your body lacks vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid). It is found in poultry, nuts, beef, germinated wheat germ. Even dry mouth may indicate diabetes.
Bluish spots
This symptom indicates a problem with blood clotting and liver function. To find out the reason, you need to get tested.
swelling of the eyelids
If with this you have a feeling of general weakness, cold and pale skin, then you are likely to have kidney problems.
Frequent nosebleeds
It is a symptom of high blood pressure, or you do not have enough vitamin C. Have podnalech cabbage, spinach and nettle soup.
Chapped lips
If this symptom you feel muscle weakness in the corners of the mouth, you have trouble concentrating, and hair fall out, in your body does not have enough vitamin B2 (riboflavin). Include in your diet dairy products, eggs, peanuts, peaches, soybeans, pears, tomatoes, and cauliflower.
The white patches on the tongue
This sign indicates that you are hungry or cold. But if with a white coating appears redness of the edges of the tongue, it may indicate gastritis.
The pale gray fur
Rather, it speaks about violation of the gastrointestinal tract. If you have, along with pale gray coating on the tongue is also a small swelling of the lips and dry skin, your body lacks iron. Reduce the consumption of black tea and coffee (they block the absorption of this element) and eat more than parsley, liver, fish, white mushrooms and a lot more apples and citrus.
This phenomenon may indicate diabetes, kidney problems, or liver (ammonia odor), bronchitis (putrid odor).
flaky skin
Most often this indicates a lack of vitamins A and B2. Good nutrition will quickly lead the skin to normal. But if desquamation is accompanied by severe itching, you need to see a doctor because it may indicate the presence of a fungus.
Painful eye sensitivity to bright light
Your body suggests to you that you must stop. Sometimes it can be a symptom of "hay fever" (hay fever - an allergy on flowering plants), more often - a sign of a lack of vitamin A, and then you need to eat more cheese, carrots and tomatoes.
Swollen lymph nodes
It indicates that the body is an inflammatory process.
Dark urine
This may indicate that you're drinking too little fluid, but if such a symptom is accompanied by high fever and weakness, it can be serious diseases of the genitourinary system, to understand which can only urologist.
Slow healing wounds
It is a symptom of a lack of zinc. To make up for its deficit Eat seafood and legumes.
Changing the color of the eyes, bruising and dark circles under the eyes
Redness of the whites of the eyes may indicate high blood pressure.
If they turn yellow, the work of the liver is broken.
Coping with bruises or dark circles that appear on the fatigue and lack of sleep, help from hemorrhoids ointment. If the problem is not tired, you need to be checked by a cardiologist, because it may be a sign of heart problems.
Increased sweating
Check your thyroid. If you sweat at night, it is a sign of nervous exhaustion.
Acne and acne on the face
Small and little red spots on her cheeks may be a symptom of congestion in the lungs of mucus and fluid. To cope with this you will drink of the following ingredients:
1/2 cup chopped leaf aloe; 1/2 cup chopped fresh lemon peel; 2 cups of honey.
The problems with the intestines say "pustules" with white heads on the cheeks. Organize the work of the intestine to help the same drink.
Acne on the temples - a symptom of the problems with the liver or gallbladder. Then you should see a doctor.
Red pimples on the chin and lower jaw - a symptom of disorders in the production of sex hormones, or inflammation and infection of the genitourinary system. A visit to the doctor is required.
Eruptions on the forehead or the head covered with hair - a signal stomach problems. Cope with them will help you fasting day in any of these products: yogurt, juice, buckwheat, rice, cucumber, or any fruit. There can be an unlimited number.
Acne and acne on the back
Large red rash on the back and shoulder blades, which run along the spine - the signals back problems, but if the same spots are located along the edges - this is the first sign of muscle neuralgia. Get rid of the problem will help you correct posture, twisting, massage, stretching exercises for the spine, and swimming.
Swelling can be caused by eating foods that retain water in the body: salty foods, food rich in carbohydrates, canned and smoked products.
Kidney swelling appear on the face in the morning and in the evening subside. They usually pale, loose and long retains traces of pressing.
Cardiac edema occur in the late afternoon in the abdomen, waist and genitals. They are often accompanied by shortness of breath, cyanosis of the lips, fingers, feet and hands, swelling of the neck veins.
Liver swelling occur in the abdomen with spider veins, yellowness of the skin and itching in the area of edema.
To remove the swelling, prepare the following broth. Take equal parts of bearberry leaves, birch buds, leaves, cranberries, crushed juniper fruits. Then zaley boiling water and hold for 15 minutes on low heat. Broth to cool, strain and drink 2 tablespoons 5-6 times a day.
If swelling and itchy red - an allergic reaction, and the broth will not help. Then you need to take allergy medications.
If you're going to notice the signals of your body, you can find time at a particular illness and time to begin treatment that will save not only your health, but also, and perhaps even life!
via takprosto cc

Dry mouth
It may be a reaction to stress and anxiety. But if the dryness persists, and you become irritable, your body lacks vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid). It is found in poultry, nuts, beef, germinated wheat germ. Even dry mouth may indicate diabetes.
Bluish spots
This symptom indicates a problem with blood clotting and liver function. To find out the reason, you need to get tested.
swelling of the eyelids
If with this you have a feeling of general weakness, cold and pale skin, then you are likely to have kidney problems.
Frequent nosebleeds
It is a symptom of high blood pressure, or you do not have enough vitamin C. Have podnalech cabbage, spinach and nettle soup.
Chapped lips
If this symptom you feel muscle weakness in the corners of the mouth, you have trouble concentrating, and hair fall out, in your body does not have enough vitamin B2 (riboflavin). Include in your diet dairy products, eggs, peanuts, peaches, soybeans, pears, tomatoes, and cauliflower.
The white patches on the tongue
This sign indicates that you are hungry or cold. But if with a white coating appears redness of the edges of the tongue, it may indicate gastritis.
The pale gray fur
Rather, it speaks about violation of the gastrointestinal tract. If you have, along with pale gray coating on the tongue is also a small swelling of the lips and dry skin, your body lacks iron. Reduce the consumption of black tea and coffee (they block the absorption of this element) and eat more than parsley, liver, fish, white mushrooms and a lot more apples and citrus.
This phenomenon may indicate diabetes, kidney problems, or liver (ammonia odor), bronchitis (putrid odor).
flaky skin
Most often this indicates a lack of vitamins A and B2. Good nutrition will quickly lead the skin to normal. But if desquamation is accompanied by severe itching, you need to see a doctor because it may indicate the presence of a fungus.
Painful eye sensitivity to bright light
Your body suggests to you that you must stop. Sometimes it can be a symptom of "hay fever" (hay fever - an allergy on flowering plants), more often - a sign of a lack of vitamin A, and then you need to eat more cheese, carrots and tomatoes.
Swollen lymph nodes
It indicates that the body is an inflammatory process.
Dark urine
This may indicate that you're drinking too little fluid, but if such a symptom is accompanied by high fever and weakness, it can be serious diseases of the genitourinary system, to understand which can only urologist.
Slow healing wounds
It is a symptom of a lack of zinc. To make up for its deficit Eat seafood and legumes.
Changing the color of the eyes, bruising and dark circles under the eyes
Redness of the whites of the eyes may indicate high blood pressure.
If they turn yellow, the work of the liver is broken.
Coping with bruises or dark circles that appear on the fatigue and lack of sleep, help from hemorrhoids ointment. If the problem is not tired, you need to be checked by a cardiologist, because it may be a sign of heart problems.
Increased sweating
Check your thyroid. If you sweat at night, it is a sign of nervous exhaustion.
Acne and acne on the face
Small and little red spots on her cheeks may be a symptom of congestion in the lungs of mucus and fluid. To cope with this you will drink of the following ingredients:
1/2 cup chopped leaf aloe; 1/2 cup chopped fresh lemon peel; 2 cups of honey.
The problems with the intestines say "pustules" with white heads on the cheeks. Organize the work of the intestine to help the same drink.
Acne on the temples - a symptom of the problems with the liver or gallbladder. Then you should see a doctor.
Red pimples on the chin and lower jaw - a symptom of disorders in the production of sex hormones, or inflammation and infection of the genitourinary system. A visit to the doctor is required.
Eruptions on the forehead or the head covered with hair - a signal stomach problems. Cope with them will help you fasting day in any of these products: yogurt, juice, buckwheat, rice, cucumber, or any fruit. There can be an unlimited number.
Acne and acne on the back
Large red rash on the back and shoulder blades, which run along the spine - the signals back problems, but if the same spots are located along the edges - this is the first sign of muscle neuralgia. Get rid of the problem will help you correct posture, twisting, massage, stretching exercises for the spine, and swimming.
Swelling can be caused by eating foods that retain water in the body: salty foods, food rich in carbohydrates, canned and smoked products.
Kidney swelling appear on the face in the morning and in the evening subside. They usually pale, loose and long retains traces of pressing.
Cardiac edema occur in the late afternoon in the abdomen, waist and genitals. They are often accompanied by shortness of breath, cyanosis of the lips, fingers, feet and hands, swelling of the neck veins.
Liver swelling occur in the abdomen with spider veins, yellowness of the skin and itching in the area of edema.
To remove the swelling, prepare the following broth. Take equal parts of bearberry leaves, birch buds, leaves, cranberries, crushed juniper fruits. Then zaley boiling water and hold for 15 minutes on low heat. Broth to cool, strain and drink 2 tablespoons 5-6 times a day.
If swelling and itchy red - an allergic reaction, and the broth will not help. Then you need to take allergy medications.
If you're going to notice the signals of your body, you can find time at a particular illness and time to begin treatment that will save not only your health, but also, and perhaps even life!
via takprosto cc
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