11 ways to become feminine and find happiness. It is worth to listen!
Many of the fair sex dream about how to find and keep a man. They are written in a gym, beauty salon, reviewing best cooking shows, buying sexy clothes and underwear, but vsë still remain with nothing. If you belong to one of those who still can not find love, read our article. It will help you to see and correct the mistakes!
We offer to your attention the 11 obstacles to femininity:
1. Complaints
There is a slight difference between the complaint and the request, and she is in the mood. Do not complain, and blurts out what you feel, because if you will complain, make sure someone would be guilty. And learn to consult with a man and not put it before the fact.
2. Life on the river
Try to invest in vsë love what you do.
3. Men's sports and leisure
Do you really think you'll be more feminine, if you'll be on a par with men watch football and drink beer on the couch?
4. Lack friends
Female for intimate communion needed by women. A former classmate or co-worker for the role of best friend vests or is not appropriate.
5. The lack of personal time
Learn to spend time just for themselves and the women's nonsense. A woman is required to spend time on the small stuff, and sometimes money, too.
6. The lack of care for your body
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7. The lack of creativity
Every woman should have its own scope for creativity: flowers, flower beds, interiors, photography ...
8. The overabundance of communication outside
A woman must communicate only with those who loves her, and always in the comfort zone. With men as vsë vice versa. If he deals with those who did not love him, he overcomes the difficulties and developing. Conclusion: not to do what you do not like!
9. Trying to manage
Yes, the fairer sex is very good at lead, but it is better not to do so, since it is contrary to the feminine nature. A woman should inspire and external problems to solve man be trusted. Often the woman herself asks to take the credit, and then go crazy as his pay. Remember: these issues are decided by only a man and a woman is better not to know about it.
10. Excessive social activity
Actively participating in social issues, women are trying to compensate for the lack of love. However, you have to disappoint you: in fact it is not working. Engaged in foreign activities only in their free time and family responsibilities for all the senses.
11. Pants
Surely you know that the pants - it's men's clothing. Reconsider your wardrobe if you have a limited, lean, pale, or least favorite clothes, immediately update it. For a man with clothes closet does not mean anything, but for women it is the whole world.
Like this? Tell your friends about it! Perhaps because of our advice you not only revise their mistakes and learn to be feminine, but finally met her prince! Good hunting, sister!
via takprosto cc

We offer to your attention the 11 obstacles to femininity:
1. Complaints
There is a slight difference between the complaint and the request, and she is in the mood. Do not complain, and blurts out what you feel, because if you will complain, make sure someone would be guilty. And learn to consult with a man and not put it before the fact.
2. Life on the river
Try to invest in vsë love what you do.
3. Men's sports and leisure
Do you really think you'll be more feminine, if you'll be on a par with men watch football and drink beer on the couch?
4. Lack friends
Female for intimate communion needed by women. A former classmate or co-worker for the role of best friend vests or is not appropriate.
5. The lack of personal time
Learn to spend time just for themselves and the women's nonsense. A woman is required to spend time on the small stuff, and sometimes money, too.
6. The lack of care for your body
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7. The lack of creativity
Every woman should have its own scope for creativity: flowers, flower beds, interiors, photography ...
8. The overabundance of communication outside
A woman must communicate only with those who loves her, and always in the comfort zone. With men as vsë vice versa. If he deals with those who did not love him, he overcomes the difficulties and developing. Conclusion: not to do what you do not like!
9. Trying to manage
Yes, the fairer sex is very good at lead, but it is better not to do so, since it is contrary to the feminine nature. A woman should inspire and external problems to solve man be trusted. Often the woman herself asks to take the credit, and then go crazy as his pay. Remember: these issues are decided by only a man and a woman is better not to know about it.
10. Excessive social activity
Actively participating in social issues, women are trying to compensate for the lack of love. However, you have to disappoint you: in fact it is not working. Engaged in foreign activities only in their free time and family responsibilities for all the senses.
11. Pants
Surely you know that the pants - it's men's clothing. Reconsider your wardrobe if you have a limited, lean, pale, or least favorite clothes, immediately update it. For a man with clothes closet does not mean anything, but for women it is the whole world.
Like this? Tell your friends about it! Perhaps because of our advice you not only revise their mistakes and learn to be feminine, but finally met her prince! Good hunting, sister!
via takprosto cc
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