Food centenarians: a delicious recipe for lemon curd for all lovers of healthy food.
The benefits of cheese, perhaps, know all, but few have heard of the magical properties of his "brother." Lemon curd - a food that has beneficial effects on the body. It has a number of medicinal properties: it improves brain function and mood, strengthens the heart, bones and joints, improves the immune system and is recommended for depression and apathy. Many centenarians say that thanks to lemon curd, they were able to live a long life and improve health. It is useful that a cottage does not cause fermentation in the gut, it is well absorbed by the body and has a pleasant taste. Try to cook it, and you will not regret it!
1 liter of milk; 1 lemon.
Separate the curd from the whey using a cheesecloth or strainer. Done!
Before use, it is not necessary to salt the cheese. Optionally, you can add sour cream or honey.
Serum can also be used. Prepare her delicious hodgepodge.
Share with your friends the recipe for this delicious cheese centenarians!
via takprosto cc

1 liter of milk; 1 lemon.
Separate the curd from the whey using a cheesecloth or strainer. Done!
Before use, it is not necessary to salt the cheese. Optionally, you can add sour cream or honey.
Serum can also be used. Prepare her delicious hodgepodge.
Share with your friends the recipe for this delicious cheese centenarians!
via takprosto cc
This table should print out and hang in a prominent place: how long to digest certain foods.
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