This table should print out and hang in a prominent place: how long to digest certain foods.
You have already signed up to the gym, I bought dumbbells, no supper after 18:00, and the extra weight stubbornly do not want you to leave? Perhaps the whole thing in the diet! Of course, the digestion of food - an indicator of a purely individual and depends not only on the amount eaten, but also on the characteristics of the organism. However, if you develop a useful habit of not eating until the food still to digest, you will be able not only to reduce the size of the stomach, but to get a useful habit to not overeat.
little advice: try not to eat 3-4 hours before bedtime. Then you get a good rest, not only you, but your stomach. Like this? Tell your friends how to lose weight, using our advice. Compose your own menu based on this method, and the weight will leave you once and for all!
via takprosto cc

little advice: try not to eat 3-4 hours before bedtime. Then you get a good rest, not only you, but your stomach. Like this? Tell your friends how to lose weight, using our advice. Compose your own menu based on this method, and the weight will leave you once and for all!
via takprosto cc
As with a ruler and pencil to find out whether you will go short haircut.
Food centenarians: a delicious recipe for lemon curd for all lovers of healthy food.